
I really, really hope Trump responds. Or dies. Whatever.

Seriously. The extra hate from the left for Tim Kaine was mind boggling. “He’s pandering to the Latino vote by speaking Spanish!” “Shoulda been Bernie! BERNIE!!!!!”

Yep. However, the one thing that must be said about Trump is that he’s such a fucking buffoon that he is actually slowing them down a little, I think. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re pursuing the exact same agenda now as they would if Pence was in office without the dipshit, with Pence at the top, the White House

Exactly. The military trans ban. A hard right Supreme Court justice. Rescinding as many LGBT protections as possible. Destroying the environment. Restricting reproductive freedom and access to birth control and abortion. Trump can make fun of Pence’s shitty agenda all he wants, but he’s implementing it without delay.

I don’t follow, how would she have been impeached by now, and how is his election in any way a good thing?

My biggest fear is that what he isn’t getting currently is legitimacy. If he stays attached to Trump and isn’t ever given the chance to establish his own political identity on the national stage, then he’ll be poisoned and forced to disappear back into the well he climbed out of. Pence as a nationally viable,

THANK YOU. Trump just spoke to the people at the Family Research Council. He’s not shying away from catering to people like Pence. He may have held up a “LGTB’s for Trump” flag on the campaign trail, but he’s made it clear he doesn’t give a shit about them now. It was a valid thing to say then,(when we weren’t sure

What isn’t he getting now that he would get as president? That’s what I don’t understand about all this “fear Pence” stuff. The call is coming from inside the house, people.

Oh, I know! And her VP was scary Tim Kaine. All the guy wanted to do was speak Spanish and play the harmonica, not, you know, hang all the gay people. Glad we narrowly escaped that! /s

I feel like I can translate this pretty well.

Sooo Donna Karan, tell me, in what context IS it appropriate to slut shame and blame victims of sexual harassment? Did they record you while you were auditioning for a role as a sexist rape-apologist in a movie?

Yeah, that’s right up there with “I misspoke.”

I wish she could have retold some of her stories in this current environment. I felt very uncomfortable reading her first Star Wars movie anecdote about older male crew members who insisted she drink when she didn’t want to and then physically attempted to make her leave with them, only thwarted by Harrison Ford

I think her eagerness to backtrack isn’t because of the backlash from the little people but because super high-profile women like Goop and Angelina Jolie came out.


I understand being tired and jet lagged, but this is not new to her. She’s not a brand new designer who has never done an interview before...she’s perfectly capable of saying, “You know what, I just got off a plane and haven’t really heard the whole story. When I have a moment to gather more information then I’ll make

“My statements were taken out of context...”

Spoiler alert: responsible breeders don’t sell their puppies to puppy stores. A pet store puppy is a puppy mill puppy.

I have a friend who did a Ted Talk on this. The only people who say the kind of thing you just said are white people who haven’t really gotten hit yet with anything the White House-installed Orange Dump and his Malevolent Maladministration have done.