
I’m very much used to people not knowing much history, or not caring about history, and I suppose I get particularly annoyed at out of all of the excess of that period of French history, it’s a woman who was forced into an unhappy life and marriage that she loathed who gets labeled for the rest time as the one who

Orthodox Jewish women wear wigs, and the men wear hats as an expression of their religion. Sikhs (both men and women) do not shave, as an expression of their religion. Banning veils is effectively like banning religious headwear or saying that you have to shave your body hair in order to integrate. It’s the most

Jesus H Christ you have got to be fucking kidding me. A trophy? A fucking trophy? A mother fucking goddamn fucking trophy. Sorry about the lack of food, shelter, clean water and electricity Puerto Rico. Here’s a trophy from a golf tournament. No, you don’t get the actual trophy. It’s just dedicated to you.

Oh, I disagree. The Army (the Seabees) and the Navy (the USS Comfort) should have been dispatched immediately to take care of infrastructure damage from the hurricane. Aid could then have been brought in, if necessary, that was sponsored by private groups. But it’s of little use if the Federal Government doesn’t do

Funny how Whites are very fucking silent regarding his shitty golf game yet Obama taking the afternoon off was apparently the launch of the Second Civil War.

I’m glad that there’s some great people out there helping the relief effort. But it’s *not* a substitute for the federal government.

You are aware that there are Western women who, of their free will, convert to Islam and choose to wear niqab, right? Should they just move to some other country? Are you saying that converting to a religion means they aren’t Austrian or American or whatever-ian anymore? If so, that’s pretty fucked up.

It is not the governments business what a woman wears. But let me guess, you’re not a woman.

The only way to protect western democracy is to destroy everything it stands for. /s

The best part is I can just see the smug, self-satisfied look on your face as you hit “publish” on your post, thinking “HURR I USED THE LIBRULS WORDS AGAINST THEM AND REALLY THREW IT IN THEIR FACE HURRRRRRR TIME TO GO JACK OFF TO ALEX JONES DDDDUURRRRRR” when what you’ve really done is tell everyone who reads your

You do realize that compulsory speech is not free speech and is therefore a violation of the First Amendment, right? Forcing someone to obey an anthem in the name of “freedom” is actually just simple fascism.

My uncle who fought in world war 2, came home to a country that would not allow him to stay on campus as a student at Indiana University after the war, because of his race. This flag stands for white supremacy and nothing else

If the flag gave black people “the opportunity to go from corn fields and picking cotton to the president of the United States of America...” where was that flag when black people were forced into the corn and cotton fields? Same flag, right?

Pls go f off.

ffs unless you are growing and/or stealing your own food, and marking and/or bartering for the rest of literally anything you possess, shut up already.

It actually gets MUCH more capitalist and bourgeoisie than a 20-something running a Twitter account to respond to complaints regarding famous hamburgers

Here’s the reality of survival under capitalism: I applied for upwards of 100 jobs after I graduated from college with a journalism degree. I couldn’t even get a seasonal cashier position at the mall. That’s how I ended up in marketing. Do I feel bad about it? Sure, it’s not what I’d hoped for. But I’m not $12,000 in

That’s not even close to the point she was making.