But what was their bad experience with the previous nanny? I’m not asking to exonerate them for being racist. I’m asking so I can laugh at what trifling event they considered a bad experience.
But what was their bad experience with the previous nanny? I’m not asking to exonerate them for being racist. I’m asking so I can laugh at what trifling event they considered a bad experience.
I bet that woman is always rude. So far no one has killed her children or even her. She was embarrassed because someone saw who she really was and it wasn’t pretty. She’s racist and can’t have someone reminding her of that every day. What a coward.
This one to me is even more dumbfounding. Maurice didn’t react, at least with any rancor — they fired her because they were worried she would take out anger at their racism on their child.
They were going to shell out $64k for the six months, plus it was live-in in NYC. They can afford whatever settlement she wants.
They definitely would’ve watched her and accused her the first time anything went missing.
But you have to deal with people like this. I'm truly not sure it's worth it.
But would you put your children in the hands of someone you’ve been rude to, even if it was by mistake? Your newborn baby? Come on.”
So … people of color are not supposed to have feelings? Wypipo are supposed to be as racist as they want, and men are supposed to be as violent and sexist as they want – and POC are never supposed to react, never supposed to be upset, never supposed to take offense, no matter how horrible the offending behavior?
A parent cutting a child’s hair isn’t abuse. It’s telling that you don’t recognize the difference between police cutting the hair of an adult woman against her will, and a parent cutting the hair of a rebellious child.
This is some of the stupidest PC crap i’ve seen in awhile. Phrasing is not going to make the reality different. Committed suicide, killed them self, took their life, made them self dead, intentionally ended living, quit living, gave up living, opted out of life. She is fucking deceased.
She’s not a woman, she’s a child.
Which states consider a parent giving a 13 year old child a haircut that the child doesn’t want “assault.”
He didn’t shave the kid’s head, genius. Grow the fuck up.
Cutting a child’s hair isn’t abuse, for fuck’s sake.
I'm not sure who gave you a pass to judge other people, but you sure are committed to it. You are taking something admittedly unusual that was fleeting (a few weeks out of 13+ years of parenthood) and that my NON-AROUSED husband and I KNEW was related completely to EMOTION, NOT SEX, and are willfully choosing to miss…
HighGloss let me repeat this to you since you're not seeing it: THERE WAS NO SEXUAL AROUSAL! None. Whatsoever. It was an emotion and adrenaline based reaction that probably had more to do with hormonal reactions than anything remotely sexual. STOP INSULTING HER HUSBAND! Stop! It's totally awful to compare him to a…
You're a fucking moron.
It is truly amazing to me how my comments on a couple of different Jezebel articles - and by extention, I - have been negatively judged today.
It's not very nice to imply that her husband is "pathological" or "aroused by children". To me it reads as though, much like the story in this article, her husband was experiencing an emotional rush from being a new father/witnessing the fruits of his (and her) labor. I doubt it was sexual in nature at all and much…