The Original Sunshine

OMG I am laughing so hard. Thank you for this.

There was one in my Jr High School. I never had any contact with him, but a friend of mine did. He was probably the most beloved teacher in my school. In those days, she would never in a million years have been believed. Hell, I was physically molested for two solid years by an older boy and nobody intervened until he

I was asked to be a bridesmaid once. I just said no.

You’re welcome.

Yeah, I’ve heard that before. If you want Black Lives to matter, vote for Bernie and align with his supporters, otherwise you will never amount to anything of significance...or, in other words, do what we say because without us, you are nothing.

All of the actions that I have been to have been very diverse. People are either allies or they are not allies The Black Lives Matters movement is not interested in people who are not allies.

I agree that he will probably do more, but what he needed to do (and what he has been doing) was to have a clear agenda about what he is going to do. I am not voting for people on faith.

And I think that’s what is eating at Bernie’s white supporters. The black lives matter leadership does not give a shit about their feelings.

No, it’s “fuck white people who say that they are with you, but sit down and be quiet about YOUR cause (in other words, we are not really with you)”.

The only evidence I have seen that this is true is from pretty untrustworthy sources, but you are right. So what?

Unfortunately at least 3 quarters of them are just like that.

“ He should focus only on BLM because that will surely get him into office and everything will be fixed.” Really? That’s what you’re hearing?

This says everything that needs to be said. Thank you.

Yep. He thought he could get away with it because he’s done it before and has always gotten away with it in the past? I noted the post above where someone mentioned their friend who was drugged at the same location.

That’s awful. I just want to reach into my computer and give you a hug. :(

We’ve already won that war with the Iranian youth.

You make sense.

Vouchers have always turned out to be worthless for me. I’ve never been able to use one of them. There are always restrictions and airlines always seem to find a way around them.

My kids got bumped from a Virgin flight from England once, got a free hotel and first class seating the next day. I think that they also

Yes, they are two different issues but one wouldn’t have occurred without the other, ie the events leading up to it. Think about that kid in NY who was kept in solitary confinement in an adult prison for three years for a crime that he did not commit and who committed suicide later.
