Oh noooo girl. Nooo.
Oh noooo girl. Nooo.
The cops decided that Stapp's condition was not sufficiently unstable enough to warrant another psychiatric hold.
Yep, with prolonged/severe use you can damage your circuitry pretty well.
I wonder this too, but then I look at facebook posts and see people saying the most crazy shit and no one thinks to hold them. You could post "Obama poisons toilet paper to spread butt cancer" and youd get 1000 likes before you got one rebuttal
He's probably not schizophrenic, but he most likely gets psychotic. What he most likely has, is some serious long term drug abuse issues that are coming home to roost, mainly brain damage to his frontal lobes, hence the paranoia and delusional thoughts.
Crack/speed psychosis can mimic paranoid schizophrenia pret-ty closely. When you've been up for 12 days and your pulse is around 300 bpm, all kiiiiinds of threats appear and connect themselves into vast conspiracies with you at their center....
God damn it! I want to make fun of him so bad but he obviously has very serious mental health and drug problems and needs treatment. We all need to support him with arms wide open.
I was just wondering that same thing. Like, he gets points for keeping his pants on? Not eating someone's face? I'm laughing because I'm terrified.
This makes me sad. I don't know if this article is trying to be funny...and it's okay if it is...but drug addiction and mental illness...not that funny.
Mostly just wrote this so we'd all have a place to scream together.
I've tried to read the article twice and each time I have to stop because I feel like going into a screaming fit.
Between this and the Brittany Maynard story, I think the universe is telling us to have those difficult conversations with family members about end of life instructions. Here is some info about writing a living will: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living…
I mean they probably have an whole aisle dedicated to Duck Dynasty so why are we surprised?
Dear Fundies,
You would think an omniscient God would be able to figure it out.
Now, now, let's all be charitable. This guy is just like one of the concerned and friendly people who take down license plate numbers outside Planned Parenthood and any other clinic that provides abortions - it's all about social networking! It's obvious to me that the only reason they call you up on the phone…
Damn you Washington. We aren't having a good month in the new.
'It's mah right to be a creep and stalk these wimmens! They get nekkid, I can do what ever I want to them!' Asshat.