I’m renting that tonight! I can’t wait
I’m renting that tonight! I can’t wait
Spot on
Pinwheel Manderly! Perfect
Oh Jesu that sounds amazing. I could eat ramen every day
Are you confusing The Wonder Years and Arrested Development?
I love the bag Anne Hathaway is selling
Perfect description
I would eat the fuck out of that
I love My Morning Jacket. Hope its not true
Amber Rose seems so great. I love her attitude!
I am so sorry. My dad is 74 and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s two years ago. I understand your fear. It terrifies me too. Just take everything one day at a time or it becomes too overwhelming. Get support wherever you can. It is so hard and scary but you are not alone
Yeah my dad has it now. It’s awful to watch him slowly disappear. You feel so helpless and the sadness is overwhelming
With Alzheimer’s I’m sure she was unaware of her fuckup of a son. A minor silver lining to a horrible disease. My dad has it. It's just fucking terrible
The first time I saw him was on an episode of Curb Your Enthuisam. He was great-so talented. Last week Star Trek was playing on one of the TVs at work and I was telling my coworker that he was going to be a huge star. What a sad, stupid tragedy. Fuck
No. Never!
The cigarette looks really weird in her mouth.
No that's a picture of Levine and Christina
Holy shit that's a trip. We used to watch that show every week!
This comment is so gross and it made my night