
So here’s the thing. What makes me as a clutch that I cannot be corrected or advised or just wrong concerning anything? And why is it that the woman I love should refrain from doing so? So...for an example...that one wishful day where she and I down a bottle of expensive scotch and I’m driving with my James

I don’t have a goal to eradicate anti-sub saharan racism. Also...these things done to Sub-Saharan descendants is still done today under the same premises: religion, sex, impulse, state sanctioned and encouraged activity and the list goes on. Singling out white people and then white people saying it isn’t progressive

Well....while Im dominant I don’t prefer to be munched back there...but then is whiskey in Europe delish, too?

When did i turn white people into the enemy for pointing out reality? Please show me the years of progrom killings against sub Saharan african descendants that Asians do...the state sanctioned Jim Crow...


It’s because a) we as black people are not human in any way shape or form palatable to people who are not of sub saharan descent, especially “white” people b) white people will complain and maybe not see your movie if they have to view us...or at least if they have seen us “around” a critical mass of movies and c) we

What thesis? Wth are you talking about? Black women began perming hair to be like white women out of forced social oppression AND resulting self loathing and manipulation. Where pray the freedom to not choose en masse amongst those women? “Good hair”= not kinky...period. the ultimate epitomy of this wasn’t

Unattainable beauty standards give black women freedom to reject....

You weren’t ugly. You may have been surrounded by some p.o.s. people though.

Dinobuttsex? Someone out there is preaching this? Someone is preaching that dinobuttsex led to the extinction of dinosaurs? Sigh...

Love the art. See the artist for who they are. Rapist? Go to jail. Help create hip hop? Cool. Until you molest a kid. The you are a pedophile. Period. Your art and the way you want to uplift your “people” is great. If you’re a p.o.s...then well, the law needs to be applied to you. Nothing about his contributions to

So I still see no difference between Cruz and Trump.

No complaints, though after it was done! Amirite????

I love giving an erotic spanking. It’s fun. But it’s erotic. This imagery, cinema, and beating me....rape and sexual assault...and assault. “Spank her when lovemaking”. Sure. “She sassed you, George. By golly go get the strap. Spank her good like Granpa Joe used to get granma!” “That’s right” said

Damn high school kids complicating their damn misunderstanding of history and murder with their damn nasty budweiser...

If you encourage those people to try and hang out more with black people who speak like this...then it will be blues music—>every white teen/young adult singing I Keep on Falling by Alicia Keys. And they will do so in that lazy ass minor pentatonic and making money from it and then telling those same black people they

Stop comparing this to american racial chattel slavery. Slaves don’t and did not GET PAID. Kesha is NOT a slave. She was raped...look, fuck the money. I sincerely hope she tries to get this dbag prosecuted...FOR RAPE. Please, Mark Geragos (sp)...SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT SLAVERY.

That is grogeous. I wonder if we could use some sort of static electricity converters on Mars. And then form this transporter thing that gets us to Mars real fast where scientists are working on something....


So...they aren’t actually laughing at him as if he is being ridiculous. They are giggling and laughing as in “haha, he just called Floyd out”. Perhaps being around some african americans for a good while would explain this peculiar body language that we do that is different from everyone else. Disclaimer: for people