Pine and Sunshine

As a journalist, don’t you think you should have asked real questions? Like their stance on abortion? Women’s rights? Homosexuality? Just curious.

Religion is a social ill. Accepting people’s desire to ignore reality by believing in fairy tales has had tremendous negative consequences throughout history. Fuck religion. I don’t care what form it takes at this point, it needs to go.

I can’t believe people used to pay me good money to design websites like that.

Nice of PETA to take a break from their busy schedule of euthanizing dogs to respond to this dumb ad.

How is this abusing DMCA? You have one party that claims, with a clear paper trail, that rights reverted to them.

On the other side you have a developer who outright knew they didn’t have the rights, promised the game wouldn’t infringe upon the copyright, and then proceeded to do just that.

Nah sorry, Wardell is clearly in the wrong here and he knows it based on the court filings.

“Why don’t you just pay the ransom to the thieves who took your intellectual property?”

I’m with Ford and Reiche on this. Stardock (in particular Brad Wardell) is the reason that Ford and Reiche can’t make their new game which is a proper continuation of Star Control (it takes place after Star Control 2) and thus would make it a game I have been desperate to see come to life for more than a quarter

In the man’s defence, he’s been playing piano since he was a kid and regularly plays live shows. I don’t have the acumen to judge for myself but from what I’ve read he’s fairly accomplished.

you know... the snipping tool was the only thing microsoft had done right in the last 10 years...   so of course they had to eff that up. Sometimes it helps just to have the snip available to look at.... they should have just made an options button to allow it to function like the old one.....

So stealing is the answer for you because you don’t like the providers terms. Nice moral compass.”


Except milk consumption beyond infancy is considered one of the key elements responsible for the spread and evolution of humans in many parts of the world, and particularly in Norther Europe. There are many foodstuffs you don’t need, especially once an adult, but some are easier, cheaper or more beneficial than others.

FYI, Grass seed is grain, and ungulates aren't picky in avoiding eating the seeds from the plants they usually find sitting around. In fact, they obtain a ton of nutrition from eating those seeds.

Wait what? No mammal is meant to eat grains? How stupid are you? Cows, camels, sheep, horses, etc all eat grains. Grain is the backbone of human society.

So the article's main argument here is that people shouldn't drink milk because there are a number of people who are lactose intolerant? Funny, that's like me saying that others shouldn't eat bread any more because I'm gluten intolerant. Granted, I don't think cutting back is a bad idea, but then again I suppose

How is it not natural? Humans have always been hunters/gatherers/farmers. As such, we've raised goats for many thousands of years, and milk would have been one of the things it produced.

Humans are the only mammals that eat tons of other food products. There are millions of millions of things that humans eat that other mammals do not.

I wouldn't put any stock in what Barnard says. He's an ethical vegan and has no problem promoting bad science so long as it suits his own ethical agenda. A closer examination of the science promoted by him and his buddies at the PCRM shows that they don't know science from a hole in the ground:

Complete BS. Dairy is an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Do buy into the idea that we should only drink it as babies. (human, cow, or otherwise). If humans never ventured out and tried new foods we would not have evolved to where we are today. There are definitely people that can't tolerate