I like her too. What she's doing is what I would do if I went to WW. Being a badass when I can't be one in real life. lol The adventure of it all would be worth paying for.
I like her too. What she's doing is what I would do if I went to WW. Being a badass when I can't be one in real life. lol The adventure of it all would be worth paying for.
Maybe 40K in their time is only worth a quarter of that in our time.
You really seem to hate this show. I don't understand why you even watch it.
I thought I was the only one that noticed that the first father of Delores (Abernathy) had tears in his eyes as he was going into storage. Every time i see that part i get chills…its as if he knows what's happening to him or will happen to Delores.
Sabotage was my first guess.
I was thinking corporate maybe killed him to stay "quiet" about something. Or just to keep him from interfering. I love how this how keeps us guessing.
Her scenes with him are sometimes the best parts of the show. I'm totally mesmerized when they are on screen together.
Maybe you shouldn't watch it anymore. When I'm that annoyed with a show i just let it go. :)
It's really annoying. I can see if we were episode 6 but it's only been three episodes. I like the slow burn and seeing the development of the characters. I'm glad it didn't go full on GOT which is what everyone is comparing it to. Honestly GOT seems way too over the top to me, has much less substance than WW.
Yeah you could be right. But I'm hoping you're wrong, especially about "B".
"You're going to drift into a dreamless slumber now Zack."
I loved the guys around the campfire too. I missed a lot of the what was being said cause I was so fascinated by them.
He was rather cold this episode. Like you I'm not sure what to make of him.
Exactly. If I want bad ass moments then I turn to The Walking Dead or some other action based show.
That would most def ruin it for me.
I love the slow burn of this show. I'm amazed that people just want all the answers in the first few episodes.
I understand what you're saying but some people just want simple fun and experience to be someone they aren't for the day. I really could see myself going to a park like this. Especially since I don't have too much excitement in my real life. Video games to me are boring cause I'm not actually doing the running,…
Honestly I know a lots of people that would love to go back into certain periods of time and "role play". I have a friend that is part of a "pirate" group and they dress up and play around like they are pirates. Seems silly to me. BUT imagine it being close to real, then even I would be all over that. Not everyone…
And wouldn't he be too young? In the pic they both looked close in age but there is a 20yr age gap b/n Ed Harris and Anthony hopkins
I may be wrong but wasn't the host stuck or something? Or maybe it would've been too difficult to get him out of that hole and all the way back to their labs. Easier to chop off his head.