
Hey, how about not trotting out “sex-negative” in a post where someone in BDSM raped a woman despite her use of safewords, huh? Maybe realize that “sex-negative” is the new way to say “frigid” and stop using it, because the idea that we can’t discuss how damaging certain aspects of sex can be to women is horseshit.

There’s nothing un-feminist about rape fantasies and I’m totally pro-kink, but I have trouble endorsing them as positive sexual outlets when they’re from the point of view of the rapist. Most porn is shot for men, marketed to men, including the videos to which I’m referring.

I’m not particularly religious, nor do I believe in an afterlife. In times like this, though, I comfort myself by imagining that the place of judgment that guys like this believe in DOES exist. Then I imagine the look on their face when Jesus says, “Dude, you didn’t listen to a fucking thing I said” as he pushes the

Baby fine curly haired girls unite!

Kids are stupid and it’s unbelievable how many of us make it to adulthood.

I don’t think all Christianity should be judged by this man and his church, any more than I think all Muslims should be judged by the actions of ISIS. But it is a good reminder that even the most familiar belief systems can be used to justify horrible actions and silence victims.

I was sexually assaulted in another state (Texas), then returned home to Ohio with a long list of follow-up medical instructions given to me by the out-of-state PD/forensic nurse, many of which included follow-up STI testing. The medical bills incurred (I am insured) for the out-of-state ER visit, exams, drugs, etc.

Stories like this make me glad to live in a similarly developed country compared to the US, but one that does not fuck over its citizens in need on every turn, particularl the female half of the citizenry.

It’s worse than that. The ideology that these people follow says that any deviant sexual behavior on her husband’s part is her fault. She wasn’t submissive enough. She wasn’t 100% pleasant and selfless and sexually available at all times.

Also, she has basically no education, no real world skills, and no career prospects if she leaves —and if she were to leave, both families would shun her, so there’d be no help from them, either, plus she’d be denied access to her children.

Anyone who’s dealt with depression knows how hard it is to ask for help. Going to him was one of he hardest things I’d ever had to do, and I was shot down.

They are my neighbors. I was at a party and one of their friends brought up PP( little did I know she ALWAYS brings up PP) and I mentioned how another baby would kill me and she just stared at me and said God has a way. Oh OH COOL THEN. PERHAPS GOD WILL READ STORIES TO MY KIDS AFTER I’M DEAD. fuckers.

Remember, we’re talking about terrorists who are not afraid to die.

….and I’d be in heaven with god and the aaaaaaangels!

Trump, obvs.

Bad guys have to wear orange shirts, good guys wear blue shirts. Problem. Solved.

Came here to post that, thank you.

Mayyybe not the best night for “murder spree”.