
Yeah I certainly wouldn’t have gone to the cops. Even if he did know, who the fuck cares? Its a scrote. Turn away. If he was masturbating or pushing it in someone else’s face or if when he saw the pics being taken he got creepy about out and like, made it MORE obvious, then yeah I could see an issue. But otherwise its

Disney has a whole division dedicated to the control of wildlife (mainly alligators) on their property. And they knew that the signage wasn’t enough to keep people from wading in the water. I’m trying to think of any defense they could possibly mount.


No swimming in the Northeast generally means bad currents or rip tides, so therefore no swimming but not no wading. We do have no wading signs too, and that’s generally for lakes with ecological problems. But neither sign means “apex predator”. The worst that is in a lake here are snapping turtles.

Seriously? Looks like any lake I saw in NJ. Except the worst thing you had to look out for was snapping turtles.

If I were in the Everglades yeah I’d realize it. Also, like, you know those big like gates over the back of pools in Florida to keep the gators out? That would remind me. But in Disney world? It just wouldn’t occur to me. I don’t live with them, so without the reminder of A. you are in the wilderness like the

I know a lot of people are arguing that it should be common sense that alligators are in the water, but I wouldn’t have known that. Particularly not in a Disney Park - just wouldn’t have thought of it. The fact that these signs weren’t posted to begin with is amazing and to be honest, I think Disney didn’t put them up

There's one with butterfly wings somewhere in Brooklyn.

I was wearing these sort of shoes with my jeans. And my jeans mostly covered them, that’s how long they were. The fraying was a sign of comfort and casualness! BTW, I literally flipped out when I saw identical pairs in stores recently! Everything old is new again.

I had one pair like that and I looked great in them... so long as I didn’t sit, walk, stretch, skip, bend, or dance. Just stand there. That’s all I could do.

As someone who came of age in the late 90s with bell bottoms and flares paired with platform shoes may I just say... NEVARRRRR!

I’ve always worn frayed/ripped jeans.

that they appreciate experiences more than they do material things.

Everything about flaunting your wallet these days, it’s so fucked up.

In NYC closets don’t matter, a bedroom legally must have a window though.

Not in NYC. By law a bedroom must have a window. Closets aren’t what “makes” a bedroom here because prior to the 1930s closets weren’t common in rental apartments of any size. People used armoires.

They couldn’t figure out an extra TEN minutes? C’mon guys! So unambitious :-)

God I hate you for painting that picture in my head. I’m not going to give my 14 mo old the largest hug in the world.

Wow, I hadn’t realized that. What a good answer, thank you.

I had a full labor and an emergency C. The whole thing was traumatizing lol and I knew I was having a healthy baby! Honestly, if I were in her position I’d beg for the C though. I just can’t imagine giving birth vaginally to a stillborn baby. It would wreck me.