But that’s exactly why I wondered why C-section wasn’t an option. They actually induced labor and did the forceps (which SUCKS from friends who have had it). But that’s still considered vaginal birth.
But that’s exactly why I wondered why C-section wasn’t an option. They actually induced labor and did the forceps (which SUCKS from friends who have had it). But that’s still considered vaginal birth.
The point of the article is to explain that the choice is a personal one that should be left up to the woman and it is not our place to judge the “reasons”. Judging a woman’s reasons for an abortion are exactly what put her in the predicament of having to fly to Colorado and spend $10k on a shot.
I had an abortion when I was 24 very early in the pregnancy, and now I have an amazing 14 mo old. I remember the anxiety for both decisions. I cried the whole way through this.
When I was a kid I was obsessed with my great aunt’s blue Gucci bag ( I think it was a speedy?) from I guess it was the early 80s. Anyway, after one of my first paychecks around the year 2000 I went on Ebay and got myself one. I certainly didn’t pay more than $150 for it. A few years later it was stolen so I went on…
I love it but its way too dark and “heavy” in fabric for a summer look. Maybe fall?
You know getting drunk for cheap isn’t a “your generation” thing right? It pretty much crosses all generations.
I was at a party a few weeks ago that I was WAY too old for but anyway a bunch of mid twenty somethings who I had just met must have spent an hour explaining who and then trying to convince me of the genius that is the Fat Jewish guy. They didn’t understand why I didn’t understand. I actually followed him and I still…
Why would you? I don’t understand why it’s a “thing” at all. I have some younger friends who buy it - but honestly those friends veer sorta douchebag. I don’t think I “get” this generation at all.
YAS, but I had absolultely no idea Halle Berry was in it!
I don’t entirely understand why so many Sanders supporters paint her as the second coming of evil. I think her presidency will very much be like Obama 2.0 and I’m old enough to remember the Clinton years and all that went along with it.
That sort of drinking would be considered exceedingly common in most parts of the world.
Since having a baby, I’m no longer working and even on our “nights off” with friends, we just can’t afford $300 dinners anymore, even if done rarely. We are very upfront about this and to be honest, most of our friends were very supportive and go to much cheaper places than we used to go to. Even on the few occasions…
Seriously? I was high as a fucking kite during my C-section. I vaguely remember talking to a nurse during it about dogs and picnics and dragons.
You totally touched on something that I didn’t understand until of a tornado of having a child and my father passing (and thus us having to take responsiblity of my elderly mother) in 1 year.
I disagree. I know people who very much wanted kids and now do nothing but complain about them. I didn’t want kids at all but after a surprise pregnancy, here I am planning when to have my second. So long as there aren't outside factors (i.e. Financial or relationship problems) I think it's actually quite hard to…
I love you so much for this. My friends have been so supportive with my child, I know he will have them as aunties and uncles throughout his life. I couldn’t be prouder of them.
Absolutely. I was going to say that when my friends started to have kids in their late 20s (I waited until mid 30s) I was able to keep good friendships with all of them because I was willing to accept their life change and be an “auntie”. We started going to more family friendly places and instead of going to happy…
I never wanted kids with my husband until we had our little “accident”. Now I can’t believe I ever wanted to live a life with out kids and we are planning for at least one more as well as a possible adoption. That being said, I had ZERO experience with kids and had no idea I’d feel this way when I fell pregnant. I was…
Poor Jace. You can see the pain and discomfort he feels when Jenelle and Barbara are fighting. This will not end well for him, I fear.
Really? I have a friend who worked with her in a corporate setting who said she’s quite bright. The brothers not so much.