The synopsis for one of the remaining eps seems to indicate that Edgar's not done with the VA.
The synopsis for one of the remaining eps seems to indicate that Edgar's not done with the VA.
It was great television. Go watch Real Housewives or something.
Thank you!
Who played the woman who testified against Lentile in court? The one who looked and sounded like Eileen Brennan?
Sorry, but we here at Casa Sunnyhorse enjoyed the hell out of it. Quit whining and go back to your comic books.
Mais oui, vous êtes correct!
Non, non, la souris est sur la table — le singe est sur la branche. ;)
Call me crazy, but you sound angry about EVERYTHING, not just the movie (which I have never seen).
That can't be it — I also grew up watching those shows, and Ted, as far as I'm concerned, is the funniest thing I've ever seen on television.
Yes, she confesses to Linda that she used to feed her sister as she slept so that Veronica would remain "the skinny one," and at one point during the episode we see her doing it.