
Insurance adjusters have used this against me with every claim. But I’ve been in sales in one form or another for my entire life so it doesn’t work on me. Once I had one on the phone while I was at work. He hit me with the silent ploy so I just went quiet, put him on speaker and went back to working on advertising. I

All great advice! The AA app saved me last Aug on a flight from DFW to CZM Mexico. When I arrived from SEA the flight showed everything just great and sent me to departure gate #4. I sat down and started reading my Kindle. About an hour later my phone dinged again and the gate had been changed to #29. It was getting


Whatever else came out of this interview, and there’s a LOT, It proved for certain that Stormy Daniels has more guts than Donald Trump could even dream of. He was golfing while millions marched in protests and he said NOTHING!

I have to say, it was fun to watch the Rube get the tar beat out of him trying to defend the indefensible. Justice there. He couldn’t even answer simple questions.

Why just small one-time bonuses? why not $4000 raises like trump promised? this whole thing is a scam

The Republican tax cuts for Corporations and the Wealthy are permanent. the tax ‘cuts’ for you and me are temporary. See the scam?

CU’s are great! back during the big bank meltdowns and bailouts our ‘too big to fail’ bank cut my line of credit in half right in the middle of a big total house remodel and they did it on a Friday and notified me the following Monday. Just Luckily we didn’t owe any big bills for our subs at that point but it really

The best caption meme I’ve seen for that photo:

Wow. just wow

“that’s probably not even close to what you might think it’s worth, or even close at all to Blue Book value.”

I’ve had a set of these in my 3 bay garage/office/party room for years. they rock the house!

I’ve had a set of these in my 3 bay garage/office/party room for years. they rock the house!

Another nice article, Eric. My Mother, who was an expert at handling people and passed on as much of that as she could to me, told me one time: ‘You can tell all you need to know about someone by the way they treat restaurant waitstaff.’ In over 5 decades I’ve never seen that disproved. I’d add, that how people treat

I installed and maintained small business IT systems and I used this very technique. I’d have a thorny problem I couldn’t solve at the moment so I’d leave it and to other things. The answer always came to me like a bolt out of the blue when I was in the shower in the morning or most commonly on my drive to work. It is

Things I’ve needed every day of my long adult life: Every morning: a cup of good coffee and a shower, clean clothes, the news. Every evening: a good NW craft beer (a real one) Sorry, Eric. I’ve always agreed with you but this time I have to step away.

As the sign down by our local boat lift says, ‘The Law of Gravity is Merciless’

that looks like what happened. I am a private pilot but not rated for helicopters. too many moving parts for me.

‘While it might have been revolutionary to hear that people tend to like you more when you listen to them in 1936, it’s a little silly to read now because it all seems to obvious.’

I used to read this book every year and have bought it for all our nephews and nieces over the years. I know some of it reads simplistically today, but the basic truths are there. I’ve tried to adopt every one of them, especially remembering people’s names. One day I happened to think of all the same people I

Interesting article on Arstechnica. Thanks for the link.