
Refresh our memory, what is speechless?

Glenn and Dina are both too caricatured for me to take this show seriously. It's getting better but the sign of a writers room that knows what it's doing is that they will tinker with or remove the characters that don't work and if Superstore isn't doing that, that's a bad sign. Still, the show is getting better

Having trouble forgiving them for taking Powerless away still. And they also took away the Mick and Timeless. Boo! On the other hand, I would have joined in coordinating if they asked.

I imagine Madeline will turn into the girl he'll fall in love with and possibly want to stop killing for so he can normalize his life to her standards.

So wait, why did he kill Sam?

I have very little trouble removing empathy from Norman though. Think of all the people he's killed. His life is not worth more than theirs. Even if you discount Bradley's death as a dream (according to the actress), he needs to pay for what he does. I guess that makes me an old-fashioned movie watcher from the Hayes

Well, he's always been a really good actor. He's been solid the entire time.

agreed, I was falling off the show until this episode. And hey, Marion surviving is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure that this show will get some love Emmy season.

Did Norman lure Sam to the hotel and how?
I might have to rewatch that…

"The lessening of the impact of the tragedy"?? The whole show is full of tragedies. All these murders at Norman's hands are tragic. Yes, he's a bit more innocent then the regular murderer who's conscious but IIRC, he made a choice not to submit himself to a mental institution, and again, tere's a lot of blood here

If you believe in the magic if art. Whether movies or comic book drawing, you'd like to think that it's becAuse of people being special. I want to believe when I see Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor and Gene Kelly tap dancing that not just anybody can do that

Cesar Romero was a great actor. So was Meredith Burgess. I think tons of the film actors were underrated too like Calling Murphy or Danny DeVitto

For the record, I like the guy I follow him on twitter. Acting on t2 is the same role as T1 and neither required that much range. Like Javier Barren in No Countrynfor OM. That is a villain w range. I expect Batman villains to have range, don't you?


Well attraction issued aside (and how have the SJWs on this board not attacked the ppl on this thread yet?) I'm not going to hate anyone based on who their parents are. Granted, you have to be an apologist for them and I agree that that's where Ivanka has crossed the line. I don't have any beef w Tiffany for example

I don't watch porn so I didn't know there was a porn star look. I assume the porn industry would take any good looking person wanting to have sex on camera and most actresses are good looking

Before the election, Xander puss, o thought you were attractive too. Times have changed

That's such a myth. Putting me in Julliard is not going to make me a great actor bc I'm just not good at it

Terminator? That's like saying Darth Vader is the "star" in Star Wars. Mark Hamill had more lines, screentime, emotional range, etc

The Dan Aykroyd show?