
For now I will say I appreciate the level of candor and respect you are showing to me here and I agree a little and disagree a little. Will elaborate later

How is he bad or dislikeable or bad, though? He just boasts a lot.

Kind of like Gavin on Silicon Valley, the arch nemesis of Pied Piper. He doesn't think twice about crushing anyone but isn't a true villain in the mustache-twirling sense. If the theme of Silicon Valley, that everyone is your enemy and the world is against you if you have a good business idea, Gavin is the

No, I couldn't get behind him, but I understand if others could because the show is obviously popular. I find it odd, in fact, that in this era of policing misoginy, homophobia, etc, that South Park has gotten away with as much as they have. I was offended years ago by South Park

Don't know who that is but Roger's alter ego on American Dad is Ricky Spanish.
Also, Roger might be considered a good answer for this prompt

How about Quark on Deep Space Nine?
Star Trek is all about utopia and perfect people who believe money is beneath them (which is ridiculous) and Quark, being the exact opposite of that, is a breath of fresh air. It also helps that his archnemesis, Odo, can't take a joke, so the two bounce off each other really well.

Isn't David Brent the easy way out?

Well, the line is different for everyone. For me, it had to do with three things. 1) This was written under the pretense of a TV review and I think it strayed way too far from that to be acceptable to me. If she wants to criticize media so heavily, then she should call it something else and I would welcome the hell

Well I certainly don't think he owes any debt to you (hence, why he largely remained silent on the issue) but rather to the two women and like I said, those three have resolved it, he ended up winning, so I'm happy with the academy for doing that.

I agree that he was a disgusting prick in 2009 and if he just went unchecked for the next seven years that would be a problem for me, but my personal stance is that he got called out for it, his accusers got their day in court, and he paid his debt. He also hasn't had any incidents since that period in his life and

I'm personally not familiar with him other that he physically beat Rihanna and I like Rihanna quite a bit, so my dislike him for him is based on that. If you have other reasons why he's a piece of shit, I imagine those are valid too other than the one thing I know about him. Technically, I was defending Casey Affleck.

I agree that it was uncomfortable the degree that he sidestepped the allegations for most of the season, but 1) i don't trust many of the liberals on this caliber to be able to have a good dialogue about it or to forgive him no matter what he says and 2) he did end up addressing it in the boston globe a couple days

THANK YOU! Nuance, not just black-and-white thinking wins at the end of the day. I'm in favor of Penn serving his sentence for whatever he did to Madonna and then going on to continue working in the film industry. If the punishment for what Case Affleck did is prison, let him serve it but that's an entirely different

how many brothers and siblings do you have?
I only have one sibling and think she can be annoying and deluded and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't hang out with her if she wasn't my sister, but I often miss her and love her a lot. You seem to have an unusually bad relationship with your brother, but maybe it's just me

"Like the show says, black people have a different burden. There are
fewer of us on mainstream television. There are fewer of us directing
movies. There are fewer shows that focus on the diversity and complexity
of our culture."
The big mistake is thinking the show has an obligation to you just because you as an

Just as long as you agree that Extract is UNDERrated, we can be friends

I went to college along the I81 corridor of Virginia and I believe a sign at the entrance of the city was we boast the 4th largest Walmart along the Eastern Seaboard

Younshoukdbwatch the brilliant episode the gang beats wade boggs IASIP

those commenters are whack, yo! check the imdb page, it says Josie.

I think I slept throught the Manny/Gloria/Jay plot but I do agree that Ed O'Neill is the best actor on the show.