
I.v., when you start quoting French directors, everyone knows you're a snob. I never discuss Godard in mixed company.

Yeah, I agree that Trump won fair and square, I don't agree w going the legitimacy route, I think he is the worst presidential candidate in history

First of all. What an amazingly coherent response. It's always surprising how some fans in the comments section can be so articulate and insightful.

I love jgl , I wish he'd write another screenplay or two

I genuinely don't see the point of reboots, it took forever for me to behe convinced of the merits of batman begins or star wars the force awakens before I could go see them I was surprisingly more amenable to ghost busters

Is his filmography just 500.days of summer and amazing Spiderman. I think that's what it was last I checked in that case he has yet to really make a sophomore film

No it's not split up w delivery drivers. They have a separate system. I was referring to in store staff

I don't like buy things online. The part that I find bizarre is that people feed me their credit card numbers over the phone, seems incredibly insecure

Basically, in some stores, the tips go straight to you at the register, so if you're specialty is more pizza making or dough slapping, you'll see fewer tips. I was typically assigned prep work (cutting up tomatoes, peppers and onions) and phones for the most part at the old store, so I got more tips than most. At some

I did a little bit of driving too for Pizzza boli's. I like making pizzas.

Hmmm, maybe slightly more do online? Hard to say.
People still order in person.

I feel like there are solutions we can do. Like for example, we can update the pizza delivery estimate number every 5 minutes or so, so if I say your pizza will be there in 35 minutes, i'm not saying something stupid. And I also want to just do customer service in a way so that you know why exactly i cant stay on the

i thought it was very bad that Chaffetz wanted to bully that ethics guy bc he said "Trump isnt doing enough divesting, not even close" and then Chaffetz sent a joint letter w/Cummings to him recently, so apparently he does respect that guy after all, at least a little?
Id be curious to know Cummings/Chaffetz

well, the WP said that i mean the 2018 elections could change everything

Lately, I've just been working the phones at papa john's so I can sympathize wit people who who have pizzas who take too long to get there. Last Friday we were overloaded and understaffed and it was hell. I logged in about 16 complaints. I was literally the only person in the store who was full-time wrking the phones,

yeah, well for the first several months i was like, well this is the only place that took me and then after that it was like well, at least these guys have me, but then after a while i became majorly attached to the people and it was kind of fun plus there was an easy going boss.
But when I transferred, they renegged

also garlic sauce, and chili pepper packets and italian seasoning. we have an ultimate meats pizza now thats pretty good. and you can get half off discounts if your local sports team wins the day before (I know they do that in the dc area

interesting,, this is all really interesting cause I've been working there since May. I'm a little burnt out now and might quit.

ii think this is a great occasion to mention that Ive been working at Papa Johns since May.
I'm going to do a mini-AMA here about Papa John's from someone who's worked at 2 locations.
I might be quitting soon bc I'm pretty burnt out and the second location I just transferred to isnt as good or as fun as the first

Love it Katie rife!