
I only started to get into Bowie's biographical details when he died but I enjoyed his covers in life aquatic which promoted me back in2005 to bit torrent download his original versions of life on Mars and rebel rebel and starman

haven't seen this, i'm mostly interested in knowing how much Audrey Plaza there is in the show, bc that seems like a good reason to watch. it says on the fx show explanation page that she's like his friend in the hospital but he escapes the hospital

geez, that's a lot of sentences before you get to the actual review (3rd paragraph)

I would say that the writers enjoy keeping them in purgatory, so there's an honest risk of changing him in such a way that his life drastically improves. I think it's an f you to the audience if Mac declares his homosexuality so many times and renegs.

I don't think that will be changed. Mac has the hots for Dennis. He's still not going to admit that up front.

they're all awful people but they have each other and are a true family so they're more loyal to each other than average people. morally relative to each other, they're actually decent people if that makes sense. if say, frank is the moral standard, then none of the other four are bad people (and two of them were

it would be a major f you to the audience at this point if they didn't keep him out. I think this was a game changer

I can't even remember a show called "review" at this point in time let alone something about a "William Tell rowboat"

what's the big deal, they're both on the market now, i feel more hopeful. besides, wasn't Jenny Slate kind of effusive about her husband too much when she was married? I'm glad that's over


No I was so sick and tired of Stewart's smugness and cult like following. If Stewart were still on the air,we wouldn't have room for all these new voices to shine

Yeah but what is NBC anymore? On the comedy end, it's mostly a home for low risk expensive overprinted programming with an occasional stroke of brilliance from the Greg Daniels/Mike Scour wing


Ehh but is this film really necessary….yeah i know it sounds racist but a lot of these films featuring a team-up of two black guys are all the same. Don't tell me that you couldn't predict every line in Central Intelligence before it was uttered out of the mouths of Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart.

2017 seems like a worse year than 2016:
1. The IMDB boards are shutting down
2. Trump is now the actual president
3. The Dakota Pipeline decision is being reversed (one of the big decisions of 2016)
4. My therapist of 8 years is leaving (yes, this is more of a me thing, but what am I going to do? that therapist knew me

Can we just talk about this from a "is SNL strong or weak as a show" perspective outside of the fact that our president is a complete moron?
Because, what exactly was Melissa McCarthy doing there anyway? They have like 16 cast members and they can't find a single match for Sean Spicer? It must be prohibitively

You really thought an apostrophe should go there?
I'm not normally the grammar police, but what the hell.
I don't even understand or remember the deal with the ghostbusters backlash but I thought it was a relatively good film, kind of stronger than the original to be honest. the original wasn't as ha-ha funny.

What paper do you write for again?
I've covered school board and county board meetings, it's generally really boring, but there are a few quacks who make things interesting and there's a nice familiarity you have with the participants.

How about burger king?