
Which further solidifies Rep. Lewis' argument that Trump's government is illegitimate. It's determined not to listen to the people

I went to a press conference recently with a guy named Adam who was about to lead a smoke up in front of the capitol crusade on inauguration day and he was a little obnoxious to be honest as he was acting that the right to smoke marijuana was lik the highest priority the nation had.

i think that's true. Dee-Dennis-Frank have that ingrained bond of growing up together. The sibling rivalry works much better than anything with a man who was once their father and Charlie-Mac are both very dim.

i mean, he could be various degrees of out.I would never want to see him fully out in front of the other 4, that would ruin his character

they are laying it on pretty thick but i'm still laughing. the water park one was a bit of a stretch as if being near a pool drain would be like some gay mecca

he didn't bang them unless it was superhumanly quick. the title card said "5 seconds later" probably just received a kiss from them.

he didn't bang them unless it took 5 seconds. he probably was just kissed by one of them. Bc the title card said "5 seconds later" He then concluded at the end of the episode that he wasn't gay because God saved him. He only thought there was no gay when he lost hope that there was a god

but I always thought the slam on twitter was that most trolls are hyperactive 12-year-olds. I know few middle aged people (age 50-60) who are into twitter

its just an expression and it fits well with people's experiences. no one in their late 30's has a crisis over being middle-aged

but isn't the general consensus that the worst people on twitter are 12 year olds?

The Liberty Bell was like a dream come true for me. I loved the idea of them crashing colonial philadelphia and seeing Rickety Cricket in a whole new light.
I take it you're not a fan of somethng llike "Another Period"?

Yeah dennis's freakout with the dog was the best thing in the show

She thinks the wall is dumb, also abortions. We discovered we both agree on abortions which I think is really cool. My sister's a religious Jew (Little known fact: Judaism actually permits abortion in certain circumstances) but she's also a pretty hard core mother and neither of us think there's a point to bringing

Holy shit, i love that film

He cares a lot that he lost the popular vote. He cares about a lot of things concerning the American people such as how many of them showed up to his inauguration. He just cares about the wrong things.

Yeah, the French election also significantly worries me too

Let's not tear each other apart. If you're a democrat of any stipe, I'll give you a virtual hug. My siste was like "I like Trump" at the start of this weekend, now she's skeptical, I'm excited!

I don't know if these people really exist outside Nathan Rabin's imagination

I think people are starting to finally wake up to Trump. My sister is finally turning on Trump and his approval rating is going down by a few points.

Haha, I love you. good point!