
you're a dad and your name is penis van lesbian? I take it you and your kids don't surf the same channels?

whats the play about?

I'm OK personally, I was just referring to this misandrist line of thought about "nice guy" syndrome that I think is a dumb thing for feminists to rally around

I'm torn over it. It was a little partisan, but then again, I also hate Trump and I love Obama. I think it can stand as a bipartisan statement to honor his work because how can you not appreciate the personal efforts of a man to lead the nation without scandal or embarrassment to the office.

"I’ll throw most valuable at Melissa Villaseñor, even though she really
doesn’t deserve it. Still, it’s no small thing when a featured player
finally gets a decent role, and the bedroom sketch saw her responding to
husband Ansari’s request for some bedtime dirty talk with cluelessly
inappropriate lines (“What’s up

I have grave concerns about free speech and everything but this sounds kind of fair, doesn't it? I understand the ethics office being bullied by Jason Chaffetz and Mike Pence is extremely wrong but this is the national park service, this isn't remotely on message for them.

Haha, I couldn't stand how in one chapter, he went on rambling about the town of Colorado Springs forever

I just read Fast Food Nation and saw the Richard Linklater film, has anyone else?
Also Arby's is the best, Wendy's is pretty good

Correct, thanks for the refresher!

I've heard that dichotomy from a book but I think In the Heat of the Night is edgier anyway. The only edgey thing about The Graduate is hiring an ordinary looking guy as the lead or am I missing something?

I thought it was CBS?

Whatever your favorite show, NBC screwed it up somehow, how about Occupy NBC?

I don't remember that at all. The officer said he Obama was way out of his jurisdiction deiding a law enforcement case. I remember being fasinated by the beer summit, and the officer seemed very respetful throughout the press conference. He also went on Henry Louis Gates' show about "Fidning Your Roots". It was a

To me, it's just a retooling…

I'm only disappointed that real Eleanor isn't real. I liked her ultra-goodness being part of the decision-making process.

I've never heard of Micachu or Charirlift. I was on a chairlift yesterday as I went skiing. Does that count?

Do we have to get into a Trump discussion here? There's plenty of morally reprehensible decisions NBC has amde on their own outside of the political sphere (cancelling Friday Night Lights, bunglng up Heroes, cancelling Go On for the "Michael J Fox Show" and "Sean Saves the World"_

I thought it was a very wise choice for best picture. To be honest, I never understood what was so great about the Graduate for why it spoke for a generation?

Fargo, Coffetown and the Mindy Project all come to mind

Perhaps the cast was too into the concept right away which was surreal. It felt forced this week, normally they just organically fall into the plot of the week.