
I noticed that one of the things that gives you negative points is bragging about being a vegan. Not that Tahani brags about being a vegan but she brags about everything else so thats gotta knock he down A LOT of points.

I'm still hurting from you unfriending me on FB, but I support Dennis Perkins the writer and the long form reviews on this show especially

Agree completely. We still need to figure out what happened to the real Jason Mendoza. I kind of wish they'd add a few more good place characters to the background

I don't think Michael Schur has ever spun his wheels w the office of p&r, say what you want about quality but those shows always went somewhere

I think it's more artsy and important than good but it has its moments. For me my main thing is (and I have this complaint about casual, togetherness and Louie) it's bot a comedy. Is it the end of the world to just say you're a drama like Parenthood?

That's when I plan on buying a one month subscription to Amazon prime and watching Mozart in the jungle released Dec. 9, hell on high water, old Mississippi and possibly the Woody Allen show.. I'm sure most onus can use the time for catch up in some fashion.

It's the way all TV works

I think the show could have waited a couple episodes on the big reveal that Eleanor was a fake. There was still plenty to be mined from stage one of the show and there's no need to burn through plot so fast.


I agree. I admire Tarantino more than obsess about his films. Besides there are a tone of ways to be involved w/film outside of directing. George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola pretty much just produce. Also, Tarantino has written plenty of stuff he didn't direct, so he's not limiting himself from doing that I presume

well, I hear Steve Soderbergh's back n in the game, right?
Holla if you love Soderbergh

This would have been an awesome essay to read if I remembered the movie or the book a little better. I think I lost the book before I made it to the end but I remember that it was interesting be few books just followed around a housewife with few important things to do in her day other than wait till her husband gets

I remember all that. I think he was a plumber just not licensed.

I think Joe the Plumber had a longer shelf life then Ken bone who was a 15 minute meme shorter than Rachel dolezal or that dentist who killed the lion

yes, of course, it's up to every person to define their own boundaries. I was speaking more of a macroscopic level than you, venerable monk, being the specific scourge of society. you have some legitimate points here too. that said, it does take a bit of effort to expand yourself in terms of understanding where other

Thanks gorgeous thoughtful response. Being friends w someone with views you strongly disagree w does not make you guilty by association of condoning those views. If the implication here is that withholding your friendship from a bigot will make them less bigoted, I think it would only serve to make you and the bigot

Well if other people are giving you crap, that's a problem.
I do think restricting your social circle to people who only think like you just contributes to the extreme polarizationi taking place and is even lowering our cognitive ability to think through political conundrums. I'd say that you should feel comfortable

I really wish Biden ran for president. I think it's almost unpatriotic of him not to run

Yeah I think choosing your friends on the basis of political beliefs is terrible