
why are you throwing that throry away?
we have no idea still the number of frauds?

OK,let me revise my thesis. if one of the goals of the show is to foster
a recognition of how uncomfortable blacks can be in a white-dominated
society, isn't it fair to say that the series could be stronger if Earn
should be seen enjoying himself among his black friends?That would add contrast.
My main problem is the

yep, I agree, I retracted my statement

As I noted, I take back my point of view entirely that Newt Gingrich is some poor guy who's getting beat up on:
However, I personally have many issues with this argument and it never hurts to have a stronger argument:
1. Trump has little to no history of giving a shit about whether gays can marry or not, at least that

he seems rather short from his twitter picture

oh wait, Passage to India?

I'm going to say one thing that's pro and one thing that's contrary.
Pro-Yes, Trump's excuse is pathetic.

can I ask an unrelated question? what's the hidden meaning behind your username? can't figure out the pun there

It's a minimum or near minimum wage establishment and I wield no power there. I doubt that anyone is changing their demeanor around me for career advancement purposes.

I had no idea that M. R. was like that in real life. I don't support his tweets.

actually you make sense. I also should clarify: I work in a pizza place, there's virtually no customer service element. the coworkers aren't being cheerful for white customers or anything. if you're delivery, I don't see their interactions with the customers, if it's in-store, i'm usually the one answering the phones

I can see that point of view but personally I'd draw the line at any more than a couple series just hiring all woman directors or all black directors. I think it makes sense for Jessica Jones but I think there's something a bit cautious about fighting exclusivity with more exclusivity doesn't do as much and while I'm

i can see that point. thanks for sharing.

I guess i have that experience as the son of an Israeli immigrant. People sometimes want to know what I think of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and they only ask because they want to express their opinion, and I'm very very nuetral on the matter

I'd encourage you not to fight the urge to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to see the good in people. I think today's forms of activism discourage that which can often make you in danger of being just as bad to discourse as the people you're fighting against

Michael Rapaport in Bamboozled was steps below the people seen here because he didn't attempt to be be an ally. He was trying to get his subordinate to work harder on a TV network so he included a throwaway line about how he knows people so he has a brother-in-law

I appreciate that level of discernment (that either aims to dehumanize or is an entirely negative force). I think it's missing on a lot of the anger inherent in social justice activism today

This show bums me out. The interaction between the bartender and the Earn seems really depressing for some reason. Donald Glover's character has a certain jadedness to him that I can understand. Perhaps he's even depressed? I think the show is being praised for being more authentically black but does authentic black

Yeah, but it seems like there's no way for white people to win when it comes to blacks. You want us to acknowledge our white privilege,but then you hate when white people take an interest in black culture because that's appropriation?

I was reading in the NY Times that even without gerrymandering, the republicans are always favored to control the house. too many democrats reside in urban areas and are unwilling to move to red state territory or the parts of their states that are red. It's an interesting theory and i'll bet it's probably true