
where's Timeless's review?

the second most popular hit on YouTube was Today Today, the music drowned out the vocals quite a bit.

I hear what you're saying but disliking hostile feminists doesn't mean that I don't admire their cause or believe that I'm also not in favor of equality between men and women. You can be for all the right social causes but still be someone that I find to be an obnoxious jerk. If anything that's worse to me because a

You know what?
I could expand my musical tastes just a little. They've done some music based AVQ&A where the staff has been listing some non-mainstream choices and I still reserve the right (and enjoyment) of calling them hipsters. But I don't pay attention to music the way I do movies and TV. My favorite stuff to

Wow, that would be awesome, we really could use some new members! Also, I really miss your political discussion. You were a lot more reasonable of a person than many of the people I've come across (especailly as the do-or-die nature of the election has been heating up in the past couple of weeks).

Hey Scrawler, there's a film discussion group tomorrow night: 7 pm at Taoism, if you're interested.

I saw a taping of Seth Meyers and during the Q & A he said Olga was possibly his favorite WU character after Stefon left

It's possible Killam was rocking the boat a little even and somehow got on Lorne's bad side, even though he seems like the nicest guy on the planet in interviews.

I think it's hard for 2 new people of the same color/gender/body size to distinguish themselves if they both come on as featured players at the same year. Killam/Brittain had that problem in 10. Hader and Sandberg avoided that in '05 because Hader actually worked hard on impressions and Sandberg went the opposite

Day isn't a star but he's a good utility player. I would have assumed that part is pretty undebatable. He just seems very comfortable and capable on stage to me. I don't know why he's so built up for a comedian. I almost feel like he hits the gym enough to try to compete with Vin Diesel for roles. It's also odd

Well a lot of those people love to attack anyone w a hint of misogyny or being against any of the other isms they are for. I don't trust them w sensitivity anymore. To be fair cyberbullying on the other end against women has long been a serious problem and I support any solutions to bring that to an end

Sympathies for this man. Probably got attacked by feminists/social justice types more than anyone deserves to be attacked.

I'd love to see Sean O'Neal at the gym. He probably comments ironically about the other gym goers or the futility of exercise

I like to listen to salsa music in Florida, punk rock when the highway opens up and bluegrass through western Virginia and west virginia

that's a good point. I think children could be characterized as something but I do feel for Angela Bassett that she's missing her child.

where specifically does Elias live? I'm confused about his relationship to Leslie Jordan's character as well. Why did they need to go with Elias if they had Leslie's character who was already paid to rid them of the ghosts?

reviewer gets the necessary social justice points for tying it into black slavery again. nice work!

I don't think the modern family writing staff has anything to apologize for their Mitch Can portrayal. I think theyve done a fine job w those characters and people are just bitter the show gets high ratings and wins Emmy's.

you should review this show, boo! it's not currently in my top 10 or even top 20 of 2016, but that doesn't mean it's bad. it's pretty good. more importantly, i think it oscillates enough that there'll be a lot of contrasting opinions

I hope we see more of her.