
This should be obvious. She’s going to keep the garden by hiring people to water the garden for her.

Can’t wait to see how Melania waters those crops from Manhattan.

How disgusting is it that the President of the United States is trying to pull off this long discredited Dale Carnegie bullshit on other actual world leaders?

I don’t believe all conservatives are slacked jawed racists in the same way I hope you don’t believe all liberals are over antagonistic Bernie Bros.

Sadly, the 0.1% of radical extremists (read: not conservatives) are driving the Republican bus now. The conservatives are welcome to hang out with us here over on the left though so you and us can have logical grown-up conversations and actually do something to improve our country.

White male conservative here. While I won’t be watching this show (though I highly doubt it really promotes white genocide) it doesn’t harm me in any way. I will continue with my Netflix addiction. I’d be willing that 99.9% of conservatives agree with me.

“Specifically, the proliferation of personal and confidential information.” Regardless of your views on freedom of speech and censorship, that seems to be pretty clearly referring to doxxing and other toxic behavior that amounts to harrassment or even stalking - which you may recognize as illegal activities not

Being Nazis and constantly pushing that shit into people’s faces and calling it free speech is still being a Nazi. Its always going to be being a Nazi. And there are always consequences. You may have the right to say it, but others have the right to respond in an appropriate manner to it. :)

They violated TOS by proliferation of personal details of others, it’s in the flipping image. They were collaborating to gather and disseminate sensitive information on their “enemies”. It’s not like they were talking about how much they like to lick each others buttholes.

That’s true. I was mostly referring to jailbait, creepshots, and fappening when I wrote legality, but I guess they can ALL be summed up with “negatively affecting others.” You can talk about how much you hate whatever as much as you want, but as soon as you’re sharing pictures, targeting specific people, or harassing

I just wanted to get in line to tell you how wrong you are.

Good, censor the fuck out of them. Reddit isn’t the government (thank fucking god).

If reddit revealed that they had a government order to shut down the subreddit, I’d join them in protesting that decision because if you’re not an individual who is breaking the law, the government has absolutely no right to silence you.

As a private person, I am under no obligation to provide access to something I disapprove of (or worse, that opens me up to legal liability). Forcing me to do so is a violation of my freedoms and rights.

It boggles the mind that people like you butch about the constitution yet have no fucking clue what it actually says. Private companies can censor whatever the fuck they want

Fuck the neo nazi’s (alt-right).

When you are not the government it is called “running your business.”

Yes, but Reddit is a privately owned operation so they can do whatever the fuck they want, thank god. They are under no obligation to give those shit-munchers a platform.

It just dries out the germs with alcohol, which is not a thing they can develop resistance to.

That’s not exactly correct. The effectiveness of alchohol based hand sanitizer is debatable, but their method of action doesn’t affect antibiotic resistance. The simple fact is most bacteria can’t survive in alchohol, not because of some profoundly complex biological reaction but because alchohol dries shit out.