
Brock Turner. Nicholas Fifield. Now David Becker. The list just keeps growing. Time and time again the justice system tells white, male athletes that they can get away with rape, that their futures matter more than the futures of their victims. That they are the real victims. We hear you loud and clear, women’s lives

My mom believed Anita Hill, and was vocal about it: except when my stepfather was around. Which was a huge eye-opener for me, and a catalyst for my confronting my stepfather about years of sexual abuse he’d inflicted on my sister and me.

I was about seven at the time but I remember my mom being so angry at Ginny Thomas, and my dad being so angry at everyone. I was lucky to be raised in a household where my parents believed Hill entirely, mostly because they had both worked in politics and knew that kind of thing happened to women all them time but

I didn’t have quite that experience and was a little bit younger, but I definitely remember it being framed as a given that she was lying or at least exaggerating. “A little bit nutty and a little bit slutty” was the term. What the fuck.

Now playing

I encourage everyone unfamiliar with her story (or too young to remember it) to watch the excellent documentary currently on Netflix. I felt it really highlighted what a decent, credible character witness she was, as well as the sheer brutality and viciousness of the sexism heaped on her by the judiciary committee.

I’m honestly curious to know how many people have a gnawing sense that the Supreme Court has fundamentally lacked legitimacy for the entire time Clarence Thomas has sat on it. This goes so far beyond the usual good-faith conflicts over judicial philosophy. I had the same thought when I read about the accusations that

Fuck Clarence Thomas and fuck that judiciary committee.

I really can never forgive how that panel of privileged white men treated her. They pretty much tried to gas light her.


She totally reminds me of the time my elderly mother told her 6-foot teenage grandson, “Don’t you sass ME, young man!” Women need more of this attitude when grown men act like children.

The sad fact is that a white dude could’ve blundered his way through the entire event, made one political gaffe after another, and come out still “looking presidential”.

Old white men yell at things.

Excellent use of taxpayer $ by the party of fiscal responsibility, everyone!