
i am an olympic-level shusher when it comes to people being disruptive at the movies. parents of toddlers roaming the aisles, teens with open glowing open screens, biddies in non-stop chitter-chatter— ALL have felt my wrath. have even had people apologize when the lights came up — as if nobody ever taught them how to

Even a 1080p projector would make the experience immensely better than a regular tv.

I like to “hack” the theater experience at home:

Other awesome hacks waiting to be posted:

1) Pick a theatre you have to drive to. Like not one attached to a mall or subway/bus line/downtown, one that you’d need to be a somewhat responsible adult to actually get to. It cuts down on the riffraff who’d talk through a movie or do stupid things like shine laser pointers on the screen. Which leads me to:

That’s awful, I’m a huge fan of his books but now they’re going in the trash.

Naomi Watts is my favorite actress.

I’m still reeling from how perfectly MacLachlan snapped back into embodying classic Cooper. If I weren’t already convinced that he deserves all the awards and a major late-career renaissance for his work on this, I’d be now.

“That’s the world we live in now; it’s more violent, more chaotic, and less innocent than the world of 25 years ago.”

You couldn’t have asked for a better return for Cooper. Back and ready to get down to business, while still doling out wisdom and kindness. Sure, i wouldn’t have minded if he came back a few episodes earlier, but any complaints I had melted away in that scene.