Darth Mallory

I see 2016 continues to utterly humiliate the competition in the ‘worst year of the millenium’ category.

Except he cant stay around all day.

Now playing

Yep but i was thinking more of the gogeta we got in fusion reborn. Focused and didn’t mess around. Gt gogeta was goofy like an adult version of gotenks.

agreed, Dragon Ball Super is getting REALLY bad. This episode in particular destroyed so much of it’s own story and consistency.
Did I hear that wrong or did they really say that Zamasu killed all gods in all universes?? I mean..they can’t be serious. Black was super weak before fighting Goku, so how exactly did that

Lee already got announced for 7

That is not anna

+1 Relegation fight.

This high level comment was wasted on kotaku. For that I’ll give you 3x the +1s.

I was not expecting Premier League humor on Kotaku’s comment section. Thanks for the laughs kind sir.

The real mystery here isn’t how EA could make such a simple mistake, but how did Sunderland win their opening 3 games?

then why was it there to begin with? tracking is what made the game interesting, now its just RNG

Considering how underleveled I am, I was having fun the other day focusing SOLELY on denying/collecting crests and letting others get kills. I think it’s fun maxing agility and playing a runner.

Why is Jasmine with a Pidgey and not an Arcanine? This is a travesty.

I feel like I’m being trolled by the DBS team throughout this entire show.

I call BS here.

Yes, I can totally believe Goku wouldn’t know kissing was a thing. BUT CHICHI CERTAINLY WOULD! I mean, she was all lovey-dovey when they were younger! Are you going to tell me she NEVER tried to snog him, not even while they were “making” Gohan and Goten?

This whole thing reads as yet another attempt by

If they remove Futurama and Scrubs I will have no reason to keep Netflix.


If the ox champ touches it, Koscielny is offsides when his hand touches it.

Who in God’s name is going to reach out and tickle that in it’s belly? I’d be thrashing and screaming like a trapped animal if one of those had a hold of me, nevermind having any useful control over my limbs during the trauma.

No. Not even close.