Darth Mallory

Okay, I might be alone on this...but did anyone dislike Diego Luna’s portrayal of Captain Cassian? His acting felt sort of forced at times and not genuine...he came off as a sort of douchebag, and no matter what he did towards the end didn’t seem to redeem him at all for me.

I honestly wish I didn’t read your comment, I literally read your comment and then just recently watched Rogue One. I thought it was a good movie, but I think you saying that raised my expectations to a ridiculous level! I do agree, extremely awesome to see though.

I don’t think he was threatening violence against women, just McKinnon’s acting chops, to which I agree...Awful.

Viola Davis is probably THE most talented in the entire cast, and I do agree. Literally not much to do at all.

I am willing to say We Love Katamari > Katamari Damacy

I was watching a live stream on youtube of that episode, and when THAT came on...I lost it haha Man, what a great call back. Poor Yamaha.

Dang, I wish I invested. I didn’t think TT2 was gonna be taken seriously!

Tekken 5 for sure had the best endings. Tekken 6's were so short in comparison.

Really happy they gave this out as a free game this month for PS+, it’s super addicting and I never would’ve thought to have bought this!

what in the world.....

I never got the first one since I adopted the PS4 almost a year ago, but this looks like a lot of fun! I love a good co-op game to play with friends locally!

She should be using the waterproof Sony Xperia ZS1!!! I always find it funny when I play Uncharted and see these kinds of phones since no one I know has heard of them. I have the awful ZS1.

Now you’re living in the 90s!

They put a lot of trash in the lineup these days.

Fire/Dark has to be the lamest typing I could’ve imagined. That fire/psychic starter from some time ago had to be the best new typing I’ve seen for a fire starter. There’s Grass/Ghost and a Water/Fairy. FML at least it’s not another Fire/Fighting.



That was incredible.

I remember one time I was on my PS3 without a mic, and this group of 3 had a horse drawn carriage, and they were all on mics, and asked me if I wanted to ride down to Escalera with them because they tried getting that wack-o trophy of riding from Blackwater to Escalera. I joined them of course, and even though I

AND that multiplayer was a blast!