Darth Mallory

I feel like THIS would’ve made a great movie.


What’s really bothering me, is how young Future Trunks looks. Apparently, this is years after he defeated Cell in his timeline, yet he looks younger than when he arrived in the timeline we knew all those years ago...

That was really well said

Could someone rank the multiplayer mode on this in comparison to U2 and U3? I thought U3 was a huge improvement on the multiplayer but there was still something about U2 I found more fun when comparing my time enjoying multiplayer at the peaks of U2 and U3.

“Terribly animated? Goku v Hit was the high water mark of the entire franchise.” That’s an overstatement, it was not THAT good. That fight featured cool techniques, BUT in comparison to older fights there simply was no sensational flow to it. The initial fight when Goku activates his Kaioken x10 and goes ape on Hit is

Can you explain this? This sounds very interesting and have no idea what this is about.

Man, I wish I understood Japanese for this. This looks a lot of fun!

those cutscenes are freaking beautiful though, such a shame there’s less effort in the actual graphics as they’ve just stagnated since the early PS3 days.

That remixed Seven Nation Army with this trailer is getting to me

HOW DOES HE TAKE THESE KINDS OF PHOTOS?! Is lightroom that good?! Like how does he do the dust and rocks?! Gah too good.

We used to have both EB games and Gamestop in America at one point!

Freaking love Trackmania Turbo

I just want Tekken 7 to come out so bad. Also, screw scenario campaign as a main story mode and push that sort of nonsense to the side of the devil within, bowling and volleyball. ;)

Trackmania Turbo...

All I can say is, screw Bucky man. Based off of these Civil War trailers he leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

I prefer funny Will Smith over overly-shouty Will Smith any day.

Are you serious? Jared Leto is a stellar actor, and he will do a fantastic job. I have no doubts about that. Sure, he looks odd, but that’s the least important part of any performance.

Agreed, Iron Man 2 was absolutely awful in my opinion.

Another interesting point (that I can only vaguely remember) Bruce Wayne made was that “No one stays good, especially those that came from Gotham.” Something about even the good don’t stay good over the years, and I feel like that fuels the crazy theory that Robin MIGHT be the Joker, rather than killed by him.