
I think you're letting Pamela off too easy. He turns to her at his most vulnerable—after having the sh*t beat out of him by "a lady." She uses it as an opportunity to pressure him into a sexually submissive role play—an intimate and exposed moment that leaves him even more vulnerable, and then dumps him. And it

Funny. You are what I imagine the target demographic of this show is now. A 20-something (or perhaps a young teen) who laughs at fart jokes. My point exactly. Dan Harmon would be so proud.

I loved this show, but I'm finding it almost unwatchable—even though I like the new characters. RIP Community.

It must be terrifying to be a man with no control over what your baby mama is feeding your unborn child. Her eating habits are funny—but much less so now that she's pregnant, an OB/GYN who's pregnant. I'm a little horrified. I used to be straight up hooked on sugar, so I get it, but, in Mindy's case, that kid will

I miss Gwen. And the days before Danny and Mindy got together, when the show was funny. Morgan is wonderful. Otherwise, meh.

It could be viewed as CK trying to exert some control over what's happening to him emotionally. Pamela has rejected him for years and is so mean to him. She offers to pursue something with him, but then takes the "cookie" off the table. He asks why she's so mean to him, and she responds, "Why do you like it?" So,

Yep, my thought too. That's always their go-to—put Elizabeth in danger. Yawn.