
For anyone who can, I really recommend just skipping the broadcast coverage and going with the live streams of events. The swimming live stream shows all the events AND the medal ceremonies, plus it has a pair of decent British commenters who are good but don’t talk too much. It’s been enjoyable viewing.

Quick! Stop that suicide bomber before she smuggles the bomb out of the crowded place packed with people we think she’s planning to blow herself up in! She’s almost left the station!

The cops thought the woman was a suicide bomber with a bomb in her backpack, so they grabbed her and her bomb-laden backpack and threw them to the ground. Six cops did this. So who, exactly, acted suicidal in this scenario? I give up. Again.

Not surprised to see the first gold medal for our country involves shooting.

You are bad at both math and reading comprehension

Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,

So.. you’re telling me we could have had TASSELS?!

I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a majora problem, I doubt there is a vas deferens.

All choices have consequences.

It’s weird to me that no one remembers (because it was a huge deal at the time) that the Reds were just aping the Cubs from last year:

It’s too bad Jeff Fisher won’t be around to see the Titans name all those draft picks captains against the Rams in 2-3 years.




Her attorney is garbage.

What? Yes it is. I feel like I'm being gaslit by the entire world with everyone pretending this isn't an illegal pitch.

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

Why are Rey and Finn kissing? That isn’t canon!

Even though I’m from Argentina, the first thing I remember from the word “Ocho” in an english sentence is:

There’s an interesting tactic used by the state troopers in my state: Go to the passenger’s side.