
You're preaching to the choir, and I wasn't advocating that Sorceress have her design changed. It seemed expedient though.

I think we agree more than we disagree on this issue. Ideally, Sorceresses' appearance wouldn't factor into whether she's a sexist character, rather it would be her personality as depicted in the game and her individual agency ( as much agency as a fictional character can be afforded). Neither of us know this yet so I

I want it known that I agree that character design diversity is inherently good. Not necessarily in a social justice sense, but as an artist myself I like variety.

What about the Amazon in this respect, or the Archer? Is she plain enough? I don't think that is a helpful line of logic, that her "beauty" as a fictional character negates all other attributes because that's not egalitarian enough for you.

"This character exists as a sexual object, regardless of playability, power, and competency."

Yeah, that's not really an analogous statement. Me not being able to frequent Woolworth's reduces my ability to choose. You not buying a game is a "net zero" of choice. You can either buy the game or not, buy another game or nothing at all. you don't lose anything by this game existing and you not liking it. If I'm

Ok, this right here is the whole problem with this debate.

I doubt the author will read this but...

Are all these people crying anatomy able to point out what is actually wrong, or are they upset because the sorceress character is sexually provocative?