Robert Sloan

He can develop eleventy-seven Avatar sequels, but can’t remake Fantastic Voyage?

Speaking of which, how is there no Fantastic Voyage remake by now? It’s one case of a movie begging to be remade with modern cgi.

There is. Scientists all over the world are out in the field, studying it. Just because you don’t follow the science (or more likely, choose to ignore it), doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

Maybe a Western Senator can stand on the floor of the Senate and toss a handful of desiccated soil at Inahofe.

In reality, Galt's Gulch would look far more like the Cliven Bundy ranch.

What if the great filter doesn't even apply to biological life forms? What if the great filter is the rarity of biological life creating artificial life?

I have two ideas that are surely unsubstantiated and debatable:

I haven't seen this movie, but if you can't enjoy Matt Damon in a mech suit and a giant machine gun, you can't enjoy anything.

This has always been my problem with how the argument is set out, that we're assumed to be an intended part of the simulation and not an emergent property of a physics simulator or something similar. Having said that, if it were specifically simulating humans then at least we'd have some kind of answer for the Fermi

Any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history

I always took "Forbidden Planet" as a warning about the Singularity. Once you're able to do anything you can imagine, your worst inner desires could come out. In this case it was Prospero's (or whatever his name was) incestuous lust for his daughter, but it could be anything. It could be a world of torment for

Bogart's "The Maltese Falcon" was a remake. Two previous versions of it existed.

You are showing us what the Koch Bros dream about every night.

One of the first things I read when I was just a kid.

Is that an Alcubierre Drive I see? <3

I never knew Stephen Hawking was the founder of the Orange Catholic Church.

Dune- so much I could say...

Why skip the "in your face"? Quite frankly we need to spend less time and effort pandering to the religious right and the idiots who whine about "Them intellectuals what think they's all smarter 'n us." Fuck 'em.