
Three whole seconds, I believe. Yeah.

I barely squeak by, age wise. We’re talking months. I don’t really want to do a video or in person thing. I rely on the power of text and do not communicate in voice mode.

I LOVED the remake of Night Of The Living Dead where the Barbara character gets to kill the now more clearly cracker-guy who murdered her friend/fellow survivor.

One of my shadiest friends ended up becoming a TSA agent. Those jokes were killing me.

When the cops pulled up I (quietly) said “Oh no!” and you could here lots of muttering in the theater. Then there was the huge sigh of relief when Rod got out of the car. And then I regretted all the TSA mocking I had done earlier in the movie (I’ve been to TSA training, I was unimpressed).

Yup, same here. I was thinking it was going to end like some (even more) depressing “Night of the Living Dead” shit: after all the trials and tribulations, he still loses in the end. It would have been hard-hitting as fuck, but like others said, the black guy has to win SOME time.

I totally agree. Yes, him ending up in jail is exactly how that would have played out in real life. If the cops hadn’t just killed him right there.

My (and probably a million other peoples’) theory: They’ve fucked, but aren’t fucking now*.

i’m bringing the lechon you grab the karaoke machine

The Filipino delegation would like to pay its respects to the King and visit Wakanda!

When it’s time to shut down MSU athletics, can we all unite to stop this one thing that will inevitably happen before it even starts? Let’s all band together and make sure every potential recruit gets this:

They are choosing a doll because they believe they are entitle to have sex with beautiful women.

They’ll just redact the “Jr.” after “Donald Trump” in every occurrence on the report.

I tried reading the edited manuscript because I was curious as to whether or not the editor was clearly assigned a task he didn’t want, but I gave up on page 18 when Milo cited his own article on Breitbart as a source. In those first pages it almost appeared to me like Ivers agreed with Milo and was trying to

I don’t follow this SZA woman, mostly because I’m so confused that she isn’t Rihanna and I don’t like that she is not related to GZA or RZA in any way, so I have an honest question:

Seems baseless but I think it was in The General Theory of Employment where John Keynes wrote: “Nah, you guys should probably go ahead and trade that Carson Wentz pick”.

We need more POC who are producers. A producer is a cheerleader, manager and more importantly the MONEY behind a movie...most movie producers now are old white men bankrolling projects through tax havens

making me tear up already lol not even at the kick point but my wife sent me a pic showing she had the baby bump and i almost lost it at work smh

Youre killing me

Im right there with you, wife is at almost 11 weeks, baby to be here in june, our first. I’m still tripping out but realizing how long 9 months really is lol