serious question, how do you become a judge?
serious question, how do you become a judge?
because of course this mierda does this.
I wonder if anyone in power is gonna suggest that this is a fireable offense...
Carson and Clarke will host their own cookouts and it’ll be just the two of them. They’ll try to invite others but it’ll be like that one friend who always tries to get the group to do stuff and everyone just kinda gives each other the side eye because you know you ain’t doing it.
I’ve never heard of steak-umms, now I must find some. That said, I thought I would be single for a long time (was single for 3 years) until I found my current girlfriend. It’s nice to meet someone who adds to the quality of your life. Good luck sir, cheers to the both of you!
This administration enjoys telling companies who they should fire or not hire.
I kinda wish KO would have done a pop-up powerbomb, but I wouldn’t want him to kill Vince
I always find it odd when I see those types of memes or posts online. It doesn’t take much to refute those claims and usually the person who originally posted it become silent.
Of course it happens against the Giants. Because 2017 hasn’t sucked enough for us Giants fans. That said, it looked shaky the back half of the game.
I’ve met some racist idiots like that. She was “disabled” and would collect welfare but she’d talk about how she’d see lazy black people trying to get free money all the time at her appointments. The bitch wasn’t disabled, she just didn’t like working and had enough health issues to get away with not having to work.
Isn’t there a service where you can mail someone dildos annonymously? Someone should mail him black dildos.
I remember when Cruz first ran for US Senate, he oddly started following me on twitter. I remember telling a buddy that this dude would probably go down in the future for some sex scandal. Not there yet, but I feel like it may be coming.
you had me at bacon and eggs.
it’s a great listen, it’s like Gus Johnson except not as annoying
Wolf has done a bit of that, but Gambo has been crazy about it since preseason.
the two of them and Sea-Bass should have a reality show. I feel like Sea-Bass would be busy binge drinking and smoking on the balcony all episode.
as a 49ers fan living in Arizona, I cringed when they signed Gabbert, not because I’d have to watch him play but instead because I knew how they’d gush about his physical abilities. it’s ridiculous listening to sports radio every day and when they mention Gabbert they talk about how he may be able to be the starter…
he came in hot and didn’t break down. he’ll get better, but it’ll be a process.
I remember getting so excited with the new seasons for Arrow and Flash, then they just got really predictable and boring. Then I noticed that the only things I like from either show is Cisco and Curtis, the only characters outisde the West family who I can actually identify with (the POC part, not the genius part).
Tartt had two big errors early in the game. GF saw his interception and said “so is he okay now?”. The man is talented but there were some serious mental mistakes in the secondary. Panthers have a very good offensive line.