
Are they venomous? Are they constrictors? Are her blind sex partners confused because it feels like a bunch of cute little fast moving peni around their penis? Does she have sex with blind men? Or blind women? Or snakes??!! I am going to think about this forever, now. FOREVER.

I just had a mild conniption fit. i drink champagne and Sav Blanc, not Rose and I never will. the closest I get is a sparkling red, but even then I like them as dark red as possible.

Wow. You are awesome. Way to sum up what I meant in the most eloquent and articulate way possible!

He always types like that. For some reason, it's acceptable from him in my opinion. His twitter is weird, but kind of awesome.


I lived in the 818 and 213 from the time I was born until I was 17 and then went back for two years in college. I wasn't talking so much about his role as how wonderfully scary he looks the whole time. I will happily check out his flaccid penis in Jackal. in fact, I may do that immediately after work.

I must say, for myself and tons of women I know, selfies are a way of cataloging everyday life and reflect the way you liked your attitude or new hairstyle or whatever that day. Sometimes you like the way your eyes look after you cry and you want to document it, but you don't want to run out to ask your roommate to

It's awesome that you took your self esteem and sense of physicality into your own hands!! If you made yourself happy, even in something as "superficial" as looks, then you rock.

He is so mind bendingly psychopathic hot in Domino, it makes me want to curl into a ball and cry for hours.

The JAM when I was in high school was dipping them in cream cheese. i may have to do this today, because fuck adulthood, AMIRITE?

I guess their un-American commercialization is working, because I am about to brave the post office to go buy these RIGHT NOW! Accio, firebolt!

He is actually the late great Steve McQueen's grandson. i met him at a pool party before TVD and he was a nice, albeit kinda dorky guy. he asked my friend for her number and when they went on a date he talked extensively about his sword collection. (Actual swords made of metal, I think???)

Waterproof Dior Show is the best mascara.


I read a Playboy from 1971 at some point in which Joan Rivers wrote one of the most fantastic pieces on feminism and what it means to be a feminist in show business that I've ever read. The points she made then were mostly still incredibly relevant and I remember being surprised that she was a person that had relevant

NEVER. The first lady's arms are great, but NOBODY beats Jennifer Aniston as the arm goddess of the world.

Not relevant/relevant: Josephine Marcus was the name of a old west woman/legend who eventually became Wyatt Earp's third wife. Inadvertent shout out?