This is where Donald Trump came from.
This is where Donald Trump came from.
I am woman. Ergo, I am the child’s Creator. And no man (lookin’ at you, male politicians) can tell me what to do.
For the love of Satan
Can you really boycott a place no one wants to go to?
I’m not a psychologist but I’ll make a diagnosis: Ted Cruz is a sociopath.
dropping sick beats like he drops sick customers
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that the people who make a documentary (which is not exactly the same as journalism as documentaries often have bias) are being held to a higher standard than the prosecutor and police had.
My sister says her daughter isn’t gonna have sex until she’s 30... My sister is an idiot.
I don’t have kids yet, but I propose there be like a group play date where all the non-conservative non-helicopter parents teach our kids all the important stuff and then subsequently listen to all the things they called out from the previous week while we tell them how proud we are. I’ll bring wine!
Because if we pretend teenagers don’t have sex, they won’t right? Fucking insanity in this country. Everyone deserves to know about their sexual health. Stop putting our kids at risk prudish parents. They’re gonna fuck. Let them get the information they need to reduce their risks of pregnancy and stds. God DAMMIT!!…
As a resident of a notoriously conservative and ridiculous state, my goal is for my children to be THAT KID who calls out all the bullshit in sex ed classes.
I can’t even believe I was rooting for Trump last night. I just can’t believe it. Pigs were flying by my window (ironic, since I’m a Jew, you’d think bacon would be the furthest thing from my window...). Everything was horrible. Even my delicious port tasted bitter.
Cruz: “New York? *wink wink* “BAAAAAAAAD”
girl cant even tie up a whole store-full of employees at gunpoint and steal millions of dollars in jewelry without wearing a mask without being sexualized like whats a girl gotta do to avoid sexual harassment in the workplace smh
If this asshole and her asshole lawyer can get tickets I hope two gay men can get tickets for the row in front of her an and makeout the entire time.
Well, I kind a wish he could come and take away all the guns.