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That is all. I await your assassination efforts.

People care what you think. Keep telling yourself that. PS. We should probably go to therapy soon.

That is one ardently anti-Zionist cat.

If you'd be willing to go on record with that, drop me an e-mail at

As for the nukes - well they are specifically Trident nuclear submarines and so there is a lot of discussion here because the SNP want them out of Scotland. BUT a lot of people including several unions are concerned that if the base closes, many people will loose their jobs in an already depressed part of the

This dress is surprisingly wearable and would look great on a variety of sizes and shapes. With the sweater it works beautifully.

Thank God you put this up. That very last scene in the preview where he just stares at her and then words. I watched it an embarrassing number of times.

Remington Steel-Cut Oats.