
Actually, some of them are GREAT parents - that's where a lot of the conflict comes in. It's high stakes to steal a baby, you have to really want one, and some of those people are willing to pour their entire life into cherishing that child they risked so much to have. So some of these kids grow up loved and cherished

I think haunted house shows are a bunch of malarkey, but they do surface the most heartbreaking stories from the area's past.

What I like about this photo is that if you look at it a certain way, it looks like they've found a bunch of lingerie models with no neck. Just fabulous bodies that merge directly into jawlines.

I can genuinely say I did this, but I lived in the UK at the time, so it was the equivalent of dad waking me up in New York and saying "We're going to Boston today, kiddo!" so not a huge deal.

We seem to be right back at "but Japan is a special case". I've really got no response to that one, so I guess we're at a stalemate. Up to the mods: if they genuinely think it makes sense to ban anything in the form of "[nation/group] sons of bitches" regardless of context, then I guess it'll come down.

Would it not seem like I had some issues if I as a non-African non-British person were to look at an ironic game situation of Africa ruling England and use the opportunity to text-shout "English pieces of shit!"? Even if you weren't offended personally, would it not seem like there was something going on with me and

Good lord. Okay, you win, you're personally offended.

No, I'm not ignoring your point to strengthen my argument, I genuinely didn't get that "Japanese sons of bitches" could ever be considered as strong a statement as I think you're taking it. Where I live in NYC, "son of a bitch" is not a showstopper and can even have a fond undertone.

One more piece to this:

I was genuine in wondering how you're thinking about this, so the long comment is both appreciated and read.

"Koreans have been pissed at Japan for most of the last millennium," is a neutral, objective statement. "BWAHAHAHA! Payback, you Japanese sons of bitches!" is clearly of a completely different sort.

Okay, what am I missing here? Japan has been periodically invading Korea for centuries, in real life. In this virtual game, Korea has finally invaded Japan (North Korea, but that's an entirely different problem). When I first saw the map, I laughed, and it was because Korea had apparently finally gotten back at Japan.

I'm not particularly thrilled to wade into this conversation, but... I feel like I'm missing something here.

The han is strong with this one.

I've got mild depression too, and I can't imagine what it's like for people who get the full whammy. I don't get angry, but every few months I get - look, "sad" isn't even the right word for it.

I'm about five years out of date - last thing I remember is switching to a priority for compressions with less breathing. Are compressions still done to the beat of "Staying Alive"? I always enjoyed that.

Interesting - my certification's out of date but none of the first responder/lifeguarding stuff I did included a bite stick. Wasn't even one in the kit, you just never put anything in the victim's mouth.

Nope, false: you're definitely not supposed to put something in their mouth. Yes, they might bite their tongue but the alternate injuries from a foreign object (or fingers) are worse.

That's exactly what I was looking for. Watching those guys jiggle the fighter's head and neck in an attempt to, I don't know, wake him up? It's making me cringe. Are these events so unregulated (and yes, Russia, I know) that no one there even understands the basics of stabilization?

"I see it only took me two years to get you wearing shoes,"