
Older guy who wants to buy ‘Murican (Golf out), doesn’t want to look like a yobbo (Focus RS out) but still go reasonably fast, in probably a lot more comfort than the other two. Why they’d buy it over the Fusion Sport, as mentioned in the article, is another question- I’m guessing because it looks fantastic.

Is that you, Progressive Liberal?

If a basketball was physically capable of jumping from the three point line and dunking the ball, would that count as a 3?

I can’t keep quiet about this anymore.

Need more reviews like this. How about next do a comparison of a Ford Pinto versus a Mclaren P1.

I have an idea that’s not a G37 for once! (Although nice ones can be had for under 20 all day...) Anyway:

Actually Harley was saved by tariffs in the 80's, so there’s that

How long till we start renting out our toilets?

Spelling checks out.

The same person who plagiarized Michelle Obama for Melania also bought her that shirt.

I only clicked on the article to see if my old roommate was talking shit about me.

One reasonable reason to cover your mouth when you yawn is the dreaded involuntary gleek. Nothing worse than yawning and all of a sudden the paper in front of you is covered in tiny droplets of spit.

Spoiler alert.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...