
You’re only 3 weeks in and your most popular policy proposal (the one you spectacularly mangled implementing because your “best” people don’t read good/know stuff) is supported by roughly half the population? That is... not a thing anyone who understands numbers or politics would brag about.

I think at this point it’s become abundantly clear the man has no idea what he is doing. He’s signing whatever is put in front of him without reading or understanding it, ignoring or firing experts, and trying to con his way through the job. It’s failing miserably, because everyone around him is smarter and more

The so-called President is STILL losing the popular vote to Hillary.

um.....Lock Her Up?

I am a public school teacher. I am sitting at my desk, which is in a classroom in a public school full of minorities and SpEd students, and I am weeping. I have about 9 minutes left on my lunch break, and I don’t know that I can pull it together in time. I am crushed, absolutely gutted. I am afraid for my students, I

I’m with you. I think they both despise each other but she’s just as greedy, ruthless & proud as any other Trump.

“I’m vegan...”

A friend of mine posted this sign from last weekend’s rally in Boston and I LOVE IT.

What irks me about Bernie is he purposefully spent his entire career spurning the Democrat label despite caucusing and voting with Democrats the overwhelming majority of the time. He purposefully marginalized himself within the Democratic Party by refusing to identify as a Democrat. But then he comes out of nowhere

I don’t know what vexes me more...the gender politics of these songs, or the way their singers assume this phony working class guise singing about pickup trucks and Georgia mud when you know they all split time between their gated McMansions in Nashville, and their penthouses in LA. They’re the music industry’s

Didn’t stop Fox News from using the headline that a Moroccan Immigrant was the perpetrator of the attack for something like 12 hours in as big a font as they could get. The updated story has been tucked in small font below the rest of the headlines ever since. No apology either from Fox News for slandering the poor

Like you’re doing right now?

I’m starting to think that the electoral college should be tried for treason.

He never should have been elected in the first place. The electoral college is supposed to keep demagogues from being elected, regardless of popular vote (hah). They failed in their task, which should be the last we ever hear of them. I’m so sick of Republicans’ disregard for the law.

I know this is not entertainment news but the three Syrian families our mosque sponsored will not be coming to America as a result of the ban. They sold all their belongings, went through two years of grueling interviews and background checks and were at the airport in Istanbul Ataturk airport with their luggage and

Such special snowflakes. The entire country is turning into a dumpster fire but at least they are still pure. *vomit* They are the physical embodiment of the “This is fine” dog.


BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

I have literally decided Trump is a greater threat to America than Osama bin Laden ever was.