
That's an unsettling thought…(shivers)

All we know is he was a part of the experiments, and that's all I care to know.

I wouldn't mind the first scene of next week's episode is Damon and Enzo killing him. That would be a miracle.

I'm sooo glad they're done with this vampire experiment bullshit!! Loved this episode, hoping though they can keep it this great for the rest of the season, I don't see how they can't considering Enzo and Damon are teamed up and Katherine is the big antagonist!

Somehow Orin in a bunny costume was more frightening than without.

"Whatever you've got in your butt, can we take it out later?" The way Alison Brie delivered that line was perfection!

I thought it was pee at first, did not hear the word butter at all.

"Cirque de so long you high-stepping acrobastards!"

Jess has high expectations on her birthday
*Jess picks up shirt*
"Made in China…You're taking me too China?!?!

"Ben you got blood all over me….thank you!

April: Ben you got blood all over me….thank you!!

Have you ever 911'd anyone? Pierce's racism still going strong.

So happy this show is back!!! Pretty solid return, looks like the rest of the season is going to be great.
One thing though, does the mask honestly conceal his face well? It is better than the green paint I'll give them that.

As soon as I saw Rebecca Addelman as the writer of this episode I knew it was going to be great considering Cooler and Parking Spot are both written by her. Also this episode was the first episode in awhile where Coach actually worked for me.

"I can't wait to get change from the store and slide it down your butt."
I really enjoyed this episode of Community!! Oh and Annie's not-squealing dance was pretty adorable.

Jess and Cece's first encounter kind of made me a little teary-eyed.

Nick with dreadlocks was just great.
Nick: " Calm down guy to my right."
Cece: "I have an anti acid commercial tomorrow and I'm playing day old curry."

I read an interview with Alison Brie and she said they finished filming and already tore down the set. That makes me incredibly sad…

Since Harmon's back I'd really like this season to be more than 13 episodes, but that's unlikely so I'm going to enjoy this season as much as I can.

I stopped watching during season 4 so I have no idea what they're talking about either.