
The Searchers is a great movie, John Ford is an outstanding director, and this comment directly negates that dumb comment up above claiming Ford only did "by-the-numbers, cornball" movies.

Not necessarily. If resurrection is shown to have a true price and to be infeasible in most situations—like how Melisandre could only summon the shadow monster once—then I think you can use it once on an integral character without cheapening every death.

I don't know, I think there's a pretty easy way to make a story about coping out of a bunch of people migrating to a place in search of answers, despite there being no obvious ways to find answers in that place.

I love both of these unpopular opinions!

For a while there, you could count on the second- and third-run theaters being film, because they weren't the kinds of places that could afford to upgrade. I think that's not as much the case anymore, at least in LA, but you might have luck with that wherever you are? Unless you're in LA!

The style of lines and inking are remarkably similar, too. I got into Pogo in the last couple years (and named my dog Pogo, in fact!) thanks to C&H and have been pleased with the discovery.

Having never read the Stand, I'll note that it seems weirdly annoying to find the original, edited version of the book, at least on Amazon.

I honestly can't remember a single time someone accused of sexual assault publicly denied it and was met with a chorus of people saying "Oh I guess he didn't do it!"

Everyone at my office was listening to and talking about it, and many of my friends, too—even ones I didn't recommend it to.

It's intellectual dishonesty at its finest, and it drives me up the wall. Absolutely criticize the scene if you think it was written poorly, or even if you think it accidentally ends up implying that sterilization=monstrosity (though I'd argue you have to strain really hard to read the scene that way).

To be fair, he called it sexist to begin with. Not like he was mincing words here.

All right, I had the same gut reaction as everyone else, but here's my pitch for it: at leas they're finally doing the thing people have always asked for, and remaking movies that sucked the first time around to see if they can be made better.

I'm still working my way through, so indeed the comments of those who've finished might prove me wrong. I very much take it as… Danny feels for the dead girls. Subtly confronts Quintana about it. Quintana expresses deep remorse, a refusal to let it happen again. And then, after contemplation, Danny decides that's

In this particular case, the production appears to have been indie and run-and-gun enough that the director was, indeed, fully aware that they weren't allowed to be filming where they were and chose to ignore the danger to get the shot.

Wasn't this just the original premise of Star Wars? Intergalactic civil war as seen by two droids on the periphery? Obviously it shifted away from that, but it's not like there are huge chunks where Artoo and Threepio are doing something super exciting that we don't see.

I thought he was married. Are you trying to tell me that Ben Folds has gotten a divorce? BEN FOLDS?!

I agree with all of this. April has been especially egregious—I feel like every single episode this year has ended with her showing her soft side, which I already thought was coming too frequently last year. Luckily, the first 20 minutes of every episode are still hilarious and wonderful, so I can deal. But boy,

Does he? It sounds more like he was a guy who had no interest in the role and then was eventually convinced. What's difficult or frustrating about that?

One of my great hopes is that Hail, Caesar is another one of their screwball-aping films, which is a well they haven't really returned to since Ladykillers but which they absolutely nailed in both O Brother and Hudsucker. It's a shame they're the only ones doing it in a major way, but I appreciate that if there's

I'm pretty on board with this, however much Woody may no longer be the writer he was. I particularly enjoyed his quote in the original article: "I don't know how I got into this. I have no ideas and I'm not sure where to begin. My guess is that Roy Price will regret this."