
I've always associated the Coens and TMBG in my mind very strongly, but possibly for no other reason than that they're both duos of middle-aged white guys who make very quirky but brilliant art. That's all I got.

Yeah, this sentence really irked me for that reason: "In Miyazaki’s Japan, dying girls don’t get agency."

Yeah, this was most jarring on Parks and Rec, where it really destroyed the semi-realism achieved by the mockumentary conceit. But I frequently wonder why shows opt for green-screen driving over actual driving, if apparently a little show like Parenthood can pull it off.

Yeah, I'm—well, not surprised, but in strong disagreement with the appalled reactions I've seen to this news. They're using this technology to cobble together a send-off for an actor and character who were known largely on the basis of this franchise. It'll probably get a couple minutes of screen-time, tops, then

I think renewing Parenthood for another 15-18 episode season would be the best. Those seem to be Katims' ideal lengths pace-wise.

I haven't seen the TV movie of IT, but I read the book for the first time this October and am convinced there's an incredible HBO miniseries to be made from it.

I love Parenthood season 4, but I agree, I was bewildered when I began watching by all of the advice that warned season one was terrible or at least a big step down from the others.

Wow, I have absolutely no memory of it in that film. Guess I should rewatch that.

This movie is where I first heard the song "Tammy," and it's used so perfectly here that I completely fell in love with it. Much to the confusion of my girlfriend's dad, who actually SAW Tammy and so has very, very bad feelings toward this song.

Yeah, more than anything, Wolf of Wall Street was just a really goddamn fun time. That it's an indictment of capitalism run rampant etc. is a great bonus, but the movie is just purely enjoyable in a way that few films this year matched.

I know it'll never happen, just for commercial reasons, but it'd be lovely if they started using this as a venue to do shows that don't have an existing recording out there on the market for people who live in theater-deprived areas. For example, several of Sondheim's shows!

…"and how to proceed in a manner that would be respectful to Walker's death” besides not even talking about this for a while

I was aware of this show, but just figured it was probably about a 20-something paralegal named Jane Roughness trying just to cling on to her overwhelming new job at a law firm in the big city.

I really adored this movie as well. I thought it was a gorgeous send-off for Miyazaki, especially because I'm a sucker for any film where you can ascribe the character's obsessions to the author as well. It was as gorgeous as any of his films, even in despite the relative lack of "fantasy."

On the one hand, I very much want to support network TV starting to run older shows again, especially around the holidays.

Sure, I see that. But it's unclear if that's how Marah's interpreting the text from the original article, or if she has outside information. Because if it's just based on the text in the original article, I'm not sure that there is more interview.

Is there actually more interview in the magazine? The ending paragraph made it sound like there's more of an article about C&H, but it seems cagey about if there's actually more from Watterson.

Yeah, I didn't like her much in the pilot, but in this episode she really shot up in the charts for me, exactly because of those two moments.  Turning her into someone with a sense of humor, but a really demented one, is a good idea.

Yeah, an unfortunate side-effect to The Newsroom hate (which I fully agree with, by the way; Sorkin used to be one of my top 3 favorite TV writers, and a big reason I got into this business, and just because of this one show I no longer consider myself a fan) is that there's been some revisionism regarding West Wing.

@disqus_u7vdwwhJsZ:disqus Of course!  I'd completely forgotten that.  Thanks!