
Apple doesn’t make wireless charging confusing. They sell the charger and power supply you need to use for MagSafe. They will help you buy the stuff you need for wireless charging. It’s very simple. If you want to use third-party equipment, you make it complicated.

“...over 6 years of consecutive years.” -- Those are the best kind of years.

“...over 6 years of consecutive years.” -- Those are the best kind of years.

Topping the list of worst breathable face masks are solid plastic bags.

Topping the list of worst breathable face masks are solid plastic bags.

Swab tests only check the point of transmission and reception. As a vascular disease, the virus could still be bonded to your blood vessels even if you’re not contagious. We simply have not had enough time with COVID-19 to determine if anyone is actually fully rid of it, nor can we assume it’s “one and done”. You only

The flu is the flu. COVID-19 is not the flu. Early symptoms are flu-like. That does not mean the virus is flu-like. We barely know what it does, and we have no idea what the long-term effects might be. Chicken pox re-emerge as shingles. HPV is harmless until it causes cancer. Comparing coronavirus to influenza makes

Legally, they can no more swab a water bottle in your possession than they can take a sample from your comb. It’s when you toss it or leave it behind that it becomes trash and publicly accessible. If they give you a water bottle then take it away, you could argue that it became your property when you accepted it, and

Do not accept water, gum, snacks, or any other kind of consumable from which police can later collect your DNA.” — Accepting it isn’t the problematic part; it’s leaving it behind. If you bring your own water and throw away the bottle, the police can collect that for DNA. Better advice is to leave nothing behind.

Or maybe, just maybe, Mr. Waters knew precisely what he was doing when he wrote that line that credits people with a line they often misquote, which is still wrong.

Technically, it was “they” who tweaked it, according to the song, and “they” do often misquote that line. So yes, Waters did correctly quote “they” who misquote the Bible. The quote is still wrong.

Correctly quoted, but the quote itself is wrong. Love of money is the root of all evil.

But who developed that house style? St. John started as a camera operator in the first season of CM, then escalated to DP and cinematographer from season 2. That implies he was responsible, at least in part, for developing that style.

I was also wondering about that. I would assume it’s specifically for those who previously opted for refund on a debit card, which is the only good option for the unbanked, but it’s not stated.

That should be “inherently antimicrobial.” Inherently microbial would mean it’s a germ magnet. It is antimicrobial because copper and copper alloys, such as brass, kill microbes in minutes.

That should be “inherently antimicrobial.” Inherently microbial would mean it’s a germ magnet. It is antimicrobial

Yeah, they’re the reason I’ve been looking into chloroquine phosphate. Bunch of dummies trying to fool other dummies who don’t know how drugs work and don’t work.

It should be clarified that Chloroquine is chloroquine phosphate. It treats malaria in humans and also treats ich in fish. So, yes, that couple took the right chemical, but they didn’t take the right dose. “One teaspoon” is a ridiculous amount of a drug prescribed as a 500 mg tablet. Chloroquine phosphate, like any

Impurities aren’t the problem. The problem is dose. They reportedly took a teaspoon, which only sounds like a little if you don’t know a teaspoon is roughly equal to 5,000 mg. The maximum prescribed dose is 300 mg in a 500 mg tablet, so they clearly overdosed. There’s a reason why medicine isn’t prescribed as powder

Seems like you should ask your parents why they didn’t get you flu shots. Civilian availability began in the 1940s, distribution increased following pandemics in the 60s and 70s. In particular, mass immunization was pursued to combat the 1976 pandemic, so it’s been widely available at least since then. We just tend

The problem is people don’t understand how bad the flu would be if we did not spend billions on a vaccination infrastructure to stay ahead of it. Even then, it still claims tens of thousands of lives each year. People need to stop and think about how much worse the flu would be if we didn’t have those defensive

Technically, emoticons are ascii representations. I have a few loaded as keyboard shortcuts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Keyboard shortcuts can also be used to call up emoji, so ‘kk’ can turn into 👍.

Use a ‘thumbs up’ emoji/memoji like a civilized person.