
I’m fairly certain you nailed the reason in your initial comment.

“ A lot of our friends” is an understatement. They almost killed Kitty herself, leaving her unable to easily shift back to solid form, not to mention paralyzing Colossus (which later left him unable to easily assume human form) and putting Nightcrawler in a coma (which wrecked his teleportation power). That’s Kitty

Why the F does Bishop still carry a gun? He doesn’t need a gun to shoot energy blasts. Oh, he needs to absorb energy first? Then carry a battery pack. Steal an arc reactor from Tony Stark and stick in your pocket. Why hasn’t any writer in 20+ years figured this out?

A shift towards classifying thousands and thousands of gig workers as employees would obligate companies to pay them benefits, allow them to unionize, and generally afford them a better lifestyle and more power.” — Actors, lawyers, and plumbers all work gigs and are unionized through their respective guild,

Counterpoint: beef is processed food. Animals don’t create food. Plants do. A cow eats tons of plants, processing that food through its digestive system, mechanically in its mouth, chemically in its stomachs, to create one calf, which then processes more food to produce the beef that becomes a hamburger. It is a

Being outside a traditional banking system does not mean being outside a capitalist system. M-pesa is exchanged by mobile phone in many developing countries and does not require banks. I strongly suspect Libra was intended to compete in this market.

The Apple Pencil’s completely rounded design means it is more prone to roll around your desk, or right off your table and onto the ground.

I also found a bunch of Italian restaurants near that Olive Garden, like Jim’s, Joe’s, Larry’s, Anthony’s, Geno’s, and Salvatore’s. Seems like Olivia dodged a bullet on her naming.

Really? You actually think she’s been employed as Apple’s “VP of Inclusion and Diversity” for 20 years? Ah, the bliss of youth.

“That was the point, to ask people to choose sides...” and then get called out on bullshit after they choose a side, apparently.

Reportedly, Lawrence made $250k for her first X-Men movie, even less than Gadot’s $300k, but then her paycheck boomed after her career rocketed. Expect Gadot’s rate to follow suit.

“It’s billed as a power move...”

Resumé builder. Buy a house on one TV show, next a commercial, then an infomercial, followed by your own reality series. You can potentially climb that ladder all the way up to the White House.

Yep. Nothing in the rules about having to draw in only that configuration. You can draw six 4-part triangles touching at the corners, then draw three triangle segments to fill the gaps.

“I thought it would be easier.”

We rewarded his eight years by making him hand over his home to a hustler who launched his political career by claiming he was born in Kenya. He owes us nothing anymore.

Damn it, 1D! You couldn’t have shared this 6 months ago? Too late to help now. Next time Trump wakes you up in the middle of the night, you’ll be receiving an executive order.

I think the queen needs to wear a crown or carry a scepter or something. If you saw her walking down the street, she’d look like any other elderly woman. She needs something to make this or any kid realize she’s special.

Davidson is dating David’s daughter. I feel like there’s a joke in there.

I really don’t see the point of auto-drive if it only works under ideal conditions. Open highway, no construction, clear vision and markings. That’s my favorite place to drive. That’s like a robot that eats my dessert for me after I eat a salad, and I have to sit there and watch it. I’ll get excited for autopilot when