
As I keep pointing out to people, Malaysia Airlines is wholly-owned by the Malaysian government. It can't go "bankrupt" in any conventional sense since there's no chance that Malaysia is going to get rid of its own national airline in the foreseeable future. The only question is whether they rename it something else

I mean exactly what I said. You asked what can white people do right, and I suggested that they could make urban policies that prevent the problems associated with gentrification. The main problem is that they are pushing low-income people out of their homes. Urban policies that could help prevent that include

This happens all the time in my country, really stupid jewish jokes, then I tell them I'm actually jewish, and awkward silence ensues, followed by I don't mean you, I mean the other jews, you know the JEWS, JEWS.

Nobody comes out looking good when compared to A Night at the Opera.

is Swift a woman of color? Only if "polar white" is its own color.

She has almost nothing to do with "her" music. She is not a musician. She is a performer that is fed focus-group-tested rhythms lyrics.

Beyonce is wildly overrated.

Ya, I was going to type the exact same thing. Didn't think she sounded bad at all. Not studio quality (duh), but for running around on stage and singing at the same time I thought it was fine.

I'm with you. I mean she is dancing around and we have certainly heard much, much worse.

Hopefully 17 trillion. Beyonce is fucking terrible.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

Public servant. Public information. It would be no different if he had simply identified himself, as all officers are mandated to do upon civil request. He is accountable for his actions.

Yeah, "unfortunate" would be motherfucker, asshole, jerk, fuck you, etc. Not nigger-lover and such.

I was rear ended at a stop light by a dude going 40 miles an hour. He totaled my car. I got out and exchanged insurance information with him. I didn't go on a racist tirade & threaten to kill him because I am not, in fact, clinically insane.

but burt, we don't have the full story. what if he was wearing something provocative?!?!?!?!

The sad thing is I showed the trailer for this to my parents expecting them to see the joke, but they actually got very enthusiastic about it.

Next to HS pitchers with mid-90s fastballs, prospects hitting home runs off fastballs in meaningless late season games (at Coors no less) are baseball's biggest mirage. Eventually, they will be challenged by breaking pitches and balls outside their wheelhouse, and then you'll know what you have.