Summer O

That's true about the ads, but some ads only show once at all or once all the way through during the Super Bowl, and a lot of times they are the best commercials of the year (though this year there are a couple really great commercials that are going to be hard top in my opinion). I think watching the Super Bowl for

Where in the world was Max getting that 85% statistic? There are many programs designed to get autistic people employed, like Vocational Rehabilitation (which helped me) and the Autism Self-Advocacy Network. Plus, I see news articles all the time about employment agencies actually encouraging to hire autistic

I thought I heard of this show that the main character was described as having Asperger's Syndrome; was there any mention of that in the pilot? I sure hope not. We don't need more media adding to the "all high-functioning autistics are jerks" stereotype.

Now Brick loves books and game shows? I love this kid! He's just like me at that age. Hey, he's just like me NOW. I'm sure we would've been friends.

I thought it was interesting when Penny asked Amy, "Is there any body part you have that's normal?" and Amy just responds with a chuckle. As a student in Disability Studies, I have been taught that normalcy is a socially defined concept that doesn't really exist and it's an unfair standard to hold anyone to because

This is the most depressing 100th episode of a show I've seen, and it's disappointing the little kids weren't part of it.

Yes. (I should've thought of that; the play did come first.)

To be fair, even the original is a series of moments. There's even a moment when Barrie says something like, "I could talk about this, or this, or when this happened, but I'm going to talk about the time Peter rescued Tiger Lilly instead." I guess you may have alluded to that, though, when you said it's like that in

Carrie Raisler, I give this review a standing ovation. I wholeheartedly agree with every word! I hope the writers are paying attention, though it may be too late now.

I liked "Barn in the USA."

I strongly believe that "Sesame Street" taught me how to read. Of course, it teache the alphabet, but I strongly remember the animated man with baggy pants rearranging signs and the two-headed monster. They taught me how to pronouce those letters in the alphabet and how they come together to make words. There was

I do too!

I nominate Sue's tinikiling performance as the best use ever of Taylor Swift's music. That was perfect Sue! I mean, come on, B+?

Every time the Bravermans list Max's positive qualities, they say he's funny. When has Max EVER been funny? (And I'm not saying autistic people don't have a sense of humor; I just haven't seen it in him.)

I like Dylan. After her speech about what is really derogatory about autism is the stigma placed on it, I wonder if the show is setting her up to be a disability rights advocate. On the other hand, it wasn't right for her to identify Max solely by a label, yet she seems she wants him to claim that as part of his

I kept wondering through the episode, "Haven't you guys forgotten Lenwollipalli?"

I kept calling Brick "Cinder-fella" after that shoe incident. Loved all the insight there.
Did you realize you duplicated about half a paragraph in your "Middle" review?

The comment that got my attention this week happened when Sheldon described his activities with Amy on some of their dates as "parallel play," which happens when people believe that they are playing together when they are not truly interacting. Leonard was correct when he said toddlers usually do that, but guess who

I disagree, Kit. Just because he is autistic does not mean he lacks the capacity to reason like other children. He has, for the most part, matured past his tantrum phase, which could have been better managed. Therefore, I believe he can reason if he is given the chance. Those words, "You should've asked me," was

I think Max said something significant in this episode. When Kristina told him all the reasons why he should come to the new school, he said to her, "You should've asked me." There have been quite a few times Adam and Kristina have made decisions about Max's future without consulting him; the biggest one that comes