Summer O

I'm disappointed that this will be the last regular review because I enjoyed responding to it and seeing an outsider perspective. Even if this show is getting old, there's still more to talk about for my research than any other show.

Still, I think it's optional. (I have no problem with those symptoms.)

The medication line I think was the first not-so-subtle acknowledgement of Sonya's autism diagnosis (except for the "village idiot savant" comment last season). I thought that was very significant. It showed that she actually does have a diagnosis and she is aware of it, and from her reaction, she is ashamed and

Do you think this season is having so many problems because it departed from the original, Scandinavian series? I watched the first season of it on Hulu, and a lot of the last season was taken from it word for word. I haven't seen the second season of the original, but I have seen a lot of interviews that said the

I've been watching last season on DVD, and I've been getting into the original series "Bron" on Hulu. In both, she does seem emotionless and disconnected. In fact, a lot of her scenes in the first season were taken directly from the Scandinavian show. However, later in the season at least in the American show

As I recall, he was pointing at mountains and other landscape, but there was even video of him going down a water slide. I could be wrong, though. There should be a rebroadcast of last week's episode tonight.

I wondered why they didn't cover Michael Jackson's death, either. They evidently weren't shy on the topic of death this time, talking about Steve Irwin. It wasn't really the 2000s as I remembered it. No mention of "Samurai Jack," "Monk," Coldplay (though they were probably in "New Millennium" I don't remember), and

One thing I didn't quite get from this "Switched at Birth" episode—it takes place just a few hours after the season finale, so how could Lucas send pictures of his time in Iceland the following morning? Wouldn't he still be on the plane? Or if he just got there, wouldn't he be sleeping off his jetlag?

I didn't see the promo because since "Once Upon a Time" ended for the season I don't have many other reasons to watch ABC, but I wanted to go back a week when I heard that Disneyland joke. I was thinking, "What did Mr. Ehlert say, Disney World, Disneyland, or just Disney? How could we miss that?"

Maybe we'll see Dr. Fulton and Dr. Goodwin's scene in the deleted scenes on the DVD when it comes out.

One thing I didn't quite understand is why Hook was so concerned that Rumple would try to kill him, because I thought it was the other way around, that Rumple already got his revenge. And no mention about Rumple and Belle's wedding? I wonder why that wasn't so much a big deal, I guess because since Rumple was such a

This weeks episode once again makes think the writers made an unintended reference to fantasy. The first was referencing Fairy-Tale World as "The Enchanted Forest," which instantly made me think of Patricia C. Wrede's under-appreciated fantasy series "The Enchanted Forest Chronicles" (Dealing with Dragons, Searching

You know, if I were Frankie, I would be glad that that awful family finally had something beautiful in their lives and let it go. As for the sound at night, that's the reason why I always sleep with a box fan on, to block out noise; it's that simple. But I guess if she did that, it wouldn't be a comedy.

Absolutely agree about the knocking. It was a hard lesson for me, but Max needs to learn more manners. I was rather impressed when he asked for the tailor, he said "Excuse me." That wasn't exactly a "please," and he could've said, "please don't poke me," but at least that was one step.
Well, if they do spring it on

Well, I think they missed out on an opportunity. We never got the conversation between Max and Hank about Hank's possible diagnosis. It's nice to see they're keeping that open, though; the reason Max wanted to get a suit is because he wants to look like Hank, which is sorta an indication that he wants to remain

The door joke made me laugh pretty hard.

I definitely agree. I guess I am a bit sympathetic because of the bullying storyline, because as spoiled as he is, he doesn't deserve that treatment from his peers.

That could be true, at least partially. Max certainly made peace with his diagnosis more quickly, and in his campaign speech he said he saw it as his greatest strength. I know when I first learned my diagnosis, I was ashamed and didn't want anyone to know. Maybe Hank feels that way too, and that's just another

You know, I was thinking that if Hank is autistic, he's a much more sympathetic character than Max. I've been rewatching season 4, partly to see if there are signs of autism that I missed in Hank (and there are), and Hank reacted so much differently than Max when he needed to apologize. In season 3, Max hits Jabbar,

I always thought they were spelled the same. Well, my spelling with drugs has never been great; I always have to look up how to spell alcohol (even as I typed it the first time, a little red line appeared). But that's probably a good thing, shows that I'm keeping my distance from them.