Summer O

I felt particularly sad that Alastair was dead. I know he only had one episode, but it was well done, and the same actor played Sue's teacher on an episode of "The Middle." I wonder a little bit if this plot was written in reaction to Phillip Seymour Hoffman's death. Obviously, the heroine thing is an important plot

Some stray observations of my own:
—It was cute when Zelena called Rumple "dearie" (I always thought him saying that made him sound more like an old crone), but it might have been more clever if she called him "my pretty." They probably ought to at least once have her say, rather coldly, "I'll get you, my pretty."

I'm not sure how I felt about Dr. Pelikan talking about how Asperger's makes romantic relationships hard, especially when he said he should be "mad at Asperger's." I felt a little better by admitting it was an "everybody thing," but pop culture kinda tries to make it look like romantic relationships for people on the

Of all the awesome cartoons of the 80s, why did it have to be G.I. Joe? I hated G.I. Joe.

I've been wondering since day one what Wesen see when they see a Grimm. It took three-and-a-half seasons to finally tell us. They see their Wesen selves in his eyes? Wouldn't they be a little bit prouder of what they look like as Wesen?

Oh, I didn't see that. Well, they should have emphasized it more verbally. And whoever that researcher was Sheldon referenced in the beginning does not know what he's talking about. According to Summer O's research, a full bladder has the same result as an empty stomach—the mind can think of nothing else.

I don't understand why Sheldon never considered what kind of games come with each console. That certainly would have affected my choice, if my favorite kind of games or if a certain series would be available on one platform and not on another.

I actually think this is one of my favorites this season. The ending reminded me of of the old movie "Freaks."

You're welcome, Alex. I'm actually watching shows like "Parenthood' for research. i'm working on publishing my dissertation regarding television and film characters who are autistic, so keep your eye out for it, if you'd like to see more of my perspective.

It could be possible. Max did say he was "perseverating," which is an autistic trait. I thought in the moment he was attributing an autistic trait to a neurotypical, like sometimes I notice that neurotypicals stim. It's not entirely clear, though. If he did, I would like to see more conversations between them

I agree with your assessment, Todd. I maintain that empathy is a learned skill for autistic people (since Asperger's was taken out of the DSM, I just prefer to call myself that.) It's not that we lack empathy, like psychopaths, which is a common misconception; we just have to express it and navigate it in a way

You're absolutely right, Eddie. I've never been happy with Adam and Kristina's treatment of Max for a lot of reasons, but that's just me.

I just gotta say I agree with Sarah. Asperger's Syndrome does not prevent one from saying the simple, six-letter word "please." I should know; I have AS, and my parents would never let me get away with the kind of behavior Max demonstrated this week.

Man. Now, I want to go to the writer's room someday (maybe after my dissertation is published) just so I can say, "Hyperlexia! Use it!"

I was a little surprised with Amy's hypothetical scenario of her being lonely. I mean, when we first met her, she told Sheldon, "I find the notion of romantic love to be an unnecessary cultural construct that adds no value to human relationships." Was that just a front covering for lonely feelings?
Another thing